Simulator UI [Feedback]

Hey, I’ve recently trying my skills on Cartoony UI but I made something that might be an Simulator UI.
I would like feedback! :smile:


The UI looks great, but you need to remove the tabs from right side to the top of the screen because of mobile’s running button. The iPad’s screen is big, so no problem with iPad device, but mobile’s screen is super small that’s why I’m giving this thought. What do you think? By the way, you made an amazing UI for your future simulator. Great job!


Definitely a good start on your User Interface for your game.

Although I am definitely confused as to what everything is. I’d recommend using better iconography so that it is more distinct what the things are that’s on the player’s HUD.

I used like placeholding images for the icons XD But thanks for the feedback, @TedArthur . :slightly_smiling_face:

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