Simultaneous Debugger is Here

Okay, sorry. You just kept phrasing it in certain ways and implying certain things over and over that suggest that this feature doesn’t exist, even though it does. I understand now though.

Some plugins (i.e. Anaminus’ Hotswap) have been proven not to work with APS turned on. That could be hugely problematic for plugin developers who rely on that ecosystem.

Even if I were to end up finding and re-toggling the FFlag assigned to that…

It is possible for you to view the source of plugins and to edit them. This has been done with many (broken) popular plugins.

However, this is off topic and would serve better on the APS post or a seperate topic.

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Awesome! Having to switch all the time made this feature not worth it for me, but now I will definitely give it another try.

You should use this instead: Accessible Plugins: per-place/game & editable/executable straight from the explorer

It is fully compatible with APS, supports per-place plugins, and doesn’t rely on loadstring.

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I have looked into that plugin’s source code. That would unfortunately require me to expend potentially unneeded hours; the plugin is quite complex in itself.

EchoReaper had pointed me to a likely viable alternative.

Given the prior announcement, when will the simultaneous debugger be back?

Hopefully within two weeks (that’s the standard minimum turnaround to get a change tested and released to production).

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It should be live now.
Apologies for the delay.


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