I have this rock system and the player can hit the rocks and stuff but problem is that, the player can hit two rocks at the same time and damage them both which I dont want
Ive tried a debounce and that didnt work; I also tried a check to see if the players is already hitting a rock but thats no use because I cant really differentiate between the rocks and magnitude really isnt ideal in this case
If someone knows a way I can possibly check or some other way itd be rad thanks
You could make a value of some sort inside of the player that allows you to identify if they’ve been hit by a rock (depending on if this is strictly serversided/local)
Its not a problem with the script though; its just a bug Im needing to fix so Im asking if theres any way i can possibly check which rock the player hit so they can stop hitting the other one but I cant even fathom how to do that if the player hits both the rocks at the exact same time
Its pretty straight forward I have a bindable event inside of the rock and when my axe or whatever is close enough to hit it; it fire the bindable event and then deals damage simple as that