Hello everyone. I was trying to upload the decal (rbxassetid://10481056993) and it uploaded (from studio), but when I put set an ImageLabel to the assetID, it accepts it, but it doesn’t load. I also tried this in a blank baseplate, so it’s not a problem with my code. All the other decals load perfectly fine…
¿How many time did you wait? Right now it should load.
is the image deleted
if no then it must load
use it to understand more about decals
the decal might be white and your part might be white which making it harder to see the decal
still doesn’t seem to work, could you try using the decal (rbxassetid://10481056993) in a new baseplate, and see if it works?
ok i will try it but my internet is bad so it might not load
Try using another Image its deleted
This is so weird. Uploading every other image works perfectly fine. But this single image, even after I’ve tried uploading it four times, won’t work. Please help me…
The images is getting deleted I said use another image the image your using is gone forever
If Roblox keeps deleting the same image, then there’s no hoping that the next uploads of the same exact image will work. Try making extremely subtle edits to the image, like changing the color of a couple pixels. The automod will see this as a completely different image, and very likely won’t delete it. If it doesn’t work the first time, keep making edits until it does.
just a couple? They would still delete it
I just used a different play button image, and it worked perfectly fine thanks
so i get a solution? or him idk
i said that you use a different image and he said make a difference of the image so i get the solution
HOW DOES HE GET A SOLUTION I TOLD YOU TO GET ANOTHER IMAGE AND YOU SAID “i just used a different play button image”
JakeTheNewb’s solution was more thorough than yours, so it would be more helpful to people in the future if they saw his post. I hope you can understand.
i dont understand what you mean by that