Single line team create crash

Pretty simple to repro, in any Team Create place do the following:

  1. Start play solo
  2. Insert a script and add the following code:
  1. Studio should crash

You could also have that script ready and just edit it for a few seconds.
This only works in play solo, works on both my Win10 machines.

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That’s for entering a property, this is when you’re in a script.

Oops. Misread.

This isn’t ROBLOXCRITICAL at all? Just because it’s a crash doesn’t mean it’s critical…

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100% Reproducible. It fits the criteria but even I admit it’s a bit of a niche bug.

The criteria for ROBLOXCRITICAL is vague on purpose. You’re supposed to make your own judgment. If it’s not impacting users and prohibiting development, it’s not critical. ROBLOXCRITICAL is designated for things that you would wake up an engineer for at 3 am to fix.


It’s not vague, there is clear criteria (which this meets). You can easily lose some work if you make a typo (which happened in my case), but I’ll remove it since you have to make a case of it.

Yeah it can wait till a work day lol