Single player game I've been working on for the past week!

EDIT : I have finally got the Deku Stick finally working! - 2/20/2020
Deku Stick with Damage and Animations!

I’d appreciate some feedback for this Single Player game I am working on with I guess you could say a few aspects of The Legend Of Zelda added into it lol~!

These are pictures/gifs that have lead up to today in the progress of the game, I havent got very far because bugs are constantly appearing almost everywhere and I hate bugs and always need to fix them, as of now I just need to make the Deku Stick deal damage without any sort of bugs , I also decided to scrap the 3D modeled player I was doing it was causing to much problems so I just used default clothes!

Anyway here are the screenshots/gifs :

1st - 2nd day

[2nd - 3rd day]

[4th - 5th day]


I am still planning out the whole story of this game and everything so the theme of it is definitely going to be adventure and open world but i’m still making the whole story in my mind!

What I have so far is that the player wakes up in a grassy plained field, last thing he remembered was that we was on a mission to save a girl named Karina (yes this is very similar to The Legend Of Zelda) He doesnt know exactly where she is but he discovers new places and new people who might lead him to the answer, as the player progresses through the game they level up and as they level up they do more damage and its harder to level up, they will be able to equip different type of armor and gain skills along the way helping them complete different missions, and also different companions to help the player defeat his/her enemies! There will me immense amount of locations and different dungeons filled with a variety of creatures that drop items that you can use to get your health back up or keep for later! The final boss will of course be in a castle and you will have to have complete over 30+ missions to get to the end, there will be a cutscene of what happened before the player woke up in the grass field and the princess(Karina) will be in a transparent ball dangling from the ceiling of the broken old castle and I’m not sure what to call the foe that caught her but Ill think of something sooner or later, once you defeat her captor youll be teleported out of the castle and a The End cutscene will play and you will be kicked from the game(after your data saves of course) then once you join back youll have the option to keep doing quests and level up then ill release a sequel :]


Thank you for all the support guys, I will try my best to make this as good as I can as a solo developer! :smile:

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I am greatly impressed. It took me a month to my my game. But it only took you 2 days. Wow. great job :+1: :sob:

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I’ve literally come such a long way and believe or not a couple months ago I was taking scripts out of free models and didnt event understand them!

Keep developing man it doesn’t matter how long it takes you to finish your project, its how dedicated you are to it and hey i was really dedicated

Thanks for the feedback man have a nice evening!

Same. I get scripts out of free models and try and learn though that. The thing is I can read and edit scripts, but I cant create one from scratch to do what I want it to do. When I was learning html and css it literly took me a week to learn, make a professional websites with rounded ui’s and even published it on github. but for roblox it took me a whole year(partly because I was on and off studio until 3 months ago)

Yeah man that’s how it actually is for us sometimes, and wow a whole week to learn html and css Congratulations man :call_me_hand:

yea I was tryna make a full roblox website so in the future when I go and have an interveiw I would show them and be like “Here is something I made when I was a kid” ya know. And also I wanted an excuse to keep using my dad’s pc.

LOL, that sounds great I hope it went well and you don’t have your own computer?

no I dont have my own computer. Ive been tryna ask my dad if I can start working and he’s giving me crappy answers. So in order to be a dev what i gotta do is set up chrome remote desktop with one of the pc’s at my school and when I get home I have to wait until like 8:00pm just so I can at least try and make my game. btw im using school chromebook and a nice feature of that is I can download mobile apps/games on it since it uses google play store. Which is a nice feature.

Dang that sucks man, I hope you get a pc soon so you can start developing whenever you feel like!

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I really like this, curious on what’s gonna be made next.

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