SinisterPlayz I UGC Concepts!

About Me

Yo! I’m UGC Concept Creator!, I’ve worked for about 7 months on UGC concepts,
made over 60 concepts, I am also posting daily concepts everyday on my Twitter


You can view my UGC Concept Creations here:

Or down here:





Newest concept is on top, oldest concept is at the bottom.


Thanks for reading this and checking my concepts! :slight_smile:


those wings are super cool and I really like the hair! I’ve been trying to learn how to make hairs lately and I just can’t master it :thinking:

You got any tips for a fellow UGC concept creator who is just starting out?!

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Your style is awesome! I hope you get into UGC at some point!

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Yea!, I would Recommend to watch some YouTube videos on modeling tutorials first, for example how to make a hat or something. Make sure u don’t the accesorie above 2.200 trios, because it’s the limit. And just practice alot lol.

u do commissions. ohhh wait u need to apply ohhh ok hope u get accepted

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