Hey there, welcome to the official Sionara Resorts Training Guide! We’re so glad that you’re looking for info about Hosting, Co-Hosting, Training, Overseeing, Supervising, etc. Here we ask for all staff to carefully read and follow this guide as messing up or ignoring instructions may ruin the process of doing things not just for staff but also for all the members that came for the training.
Hosting Information
Hosting Information
Hosts Ranks: You must HR+ to host sessions here at Sionara!!!
HR+ Ranks being:
- Hotel Manager.
- Board of Directors
- Chief Staff Officer
- Chief of Directors
- Chief Communications Officer
- Junior corporate
- Corporate member
- Senior Corporate
- Vice President
- President
- Chairpeople
- Developer
- Vice-Chairperson
- Owner
Co-Hosting Ranks: You must be an MR+ to Co-Host a session here at Sionara!!
MR+ Ranks being:
- Head of Security
- Head Receptionist
- Supervisor
- General Manager
- Hotel Manager.
- Board of Directors
- Chief Staff Officer
- Chief of Directors
- Chief Communications Officer
- Junior corporate
- Corporate member
- Senior Corporate
- Vice President
- President
- Chairpeople
- Developer
- Vice-Chairperson
- Owner
Trainer Ranks: You must be an MR+ to help train at a session here at Sionara!!
MR+ Ranks being:
- Head of Security
- Head Receptionist
- Supervisor
- General Manager
- Hotel Manager.
- Board of Directors
- Chief Staff Officer
- Chief of Directors
- Chief Communications Officer
- Junior corporate
- Corporate member
- Senior Corporate
- Vice President
- President
- Chairpeople
- Developer
- Vice-Chairperson
- Owner
Helper Ranks: You must me an MR+ to help out at trainings here at Sionara!!!
MR+ Ranks being:
- Head of Security
- Head Receptionist
- Supervisor
- General Manager
- Hotel Manager.
- Board of Directors
- Chief Staff Officer
- Chief of Directors
- Chief Communications Officer
- Junior corporate
- Corporate member
- Senior Corporate
- Vice President
- President
- Chairpeople
- Developer
- Vice-Chairperson
- Owner
Overseer Ranks: Overseers can be SLT only. SLR ranks are:
- Chairpeople
- Developers
- Vice-Chairperson
- Owner
Group Page Announcements
Group Page Announcements
If you are HR+ and are hosting the event, in the Disocrd channel say !announce then type in the following:
[Training] A training is currently being hosted by (Your username). Head down to the training centre for a possible promotion.
Roblox Page do the following:
Before Starting: [Training] A training is currently being hosted by (Your username). Head down to the training centre for a possible promotion. [Not commenced]
When server is locked: [Training] A training is currently being hosted by (Your username). Head down to the training centre for a possible promotion. [Commenced]
When training is over: [Training] The training that was hosted by (your username) has officially come to an end. Congrats on all who came and passed!
Training Procedures:
Training Procedures:
Host: If you are the role of Host you must join the training centre at least 20 minutes before the designated time. This is to make sure there are no bugs or issues with the training centre itself.
Co-Host: If you are Co-Host you are expected to join the training centre at least 10 minutes before the designated time. This is so that you and the host can check through the guides and make sure copy and paste is working along with making sure there are no technical issues around with the guides.
Trainers: If you are a trainer you are expected like all other people to arrive at least 5 minutes before the training begins. This is so that you can get familiar with trainees and the host and co-host.
Helpers: If you are one of the helpers chosen, please get to the training centre 5 minutes before the designated time. This is so that you can get a uniform (for now something smart and acceptable) on etc!
Training Scripts:
Training Scripts:
5 minutes before training is scheduled to begin. Press ‘ on your keyboard and copy this.
Host : M This session will be starting soon. Please take a seat if you are a trainee!! Any assistant needed please say PTS.
(If someone says PTS, make sure a member of staff is going to them so they can get helped out as soon as possible before the training begins.)
Training beginning at scheduled time. Slock the server saying slock (If you want you can add a message saying, This server is locked due to training. Sorry if you missed it. There will be many more hosted soon!)
Host: M The training will be beginning momentarily, PTS is now disabled. Speaking freely or getting up to free roam will result in a removal from the session. (Announce this 5 minutes before the training time.)
Host: M If you are found wondering around at this moment in time you will be told to sit or be dismissed.
Host: M Greetings. Welcome to the (Time in EST) training. I am your host (Username/Nickname). I will now let my wonderful Co-Host introduce themselves.
Co-Host: M Greeting, I am (Username/Nickname.). I will be your co-host for this wonderful session.
Co-Host: M Please give your full attention to our wonderful session host as they run you through some rules!
Host: Thank you for diverting your attention to me. I will now state the rules!
Host: M [1] Here at Sionara Hotel and Resorts we provide the best service possible. Grammar must be utilized at all times. Not doing so will result in a demotion.
Host: M [2] You are expected to have a decent and respectful behaviour towards others. If you are seen being disrespectful, consequences shall be relayed upon you.
Host: M [3] You are expected to be polite with Guest or Staff members regardless of how distracting or unbearably they might be. Rather than being disrespectful in return, report them to a Higher-Up!
Host: M [4] Hinting is strictly prohibited here at Sionara Hotel and Resorts. Promotions are earned through hard work, dedication and being active. If you seem hinting, that may lower your chances of receiving a promotion.
Host: M [5] Disruptive behaviour such as spamming, being disrespectful or unprofessionalism etc, will result in an immediate demotion and a removal from the server.
Host: M The rules have now concluded. I will now hand over to our wonderful Co-Host who will inform you all of some tips that will be crucial to your passing.
Co-Host: M I will now state some tips that will be beneficial when it comes to succeeding in this Training Session.
Co-Host: M [1] Make sure to utilize proper grammar at all times, utilizing grammar is the main key to succeeding with this session accordingly.
Co-Host: M [2] Copy and Pasting your answers is strictly prohibited. If we happen to catch you doing this, you would be FAILED and DEMOTED from your position, immediately.
Co-Host: M If you happen to fail within this Training Session, remember to remain calm and respect your trainers decision. Causing drama or disruption due to your failure will result in a removal and demotion.
Co-Host: M Those are all the tips I have for you. I’m sure that these will help you succeed well within this Training Session.
Host: M Considering the rules and tips have both been mentioned, I will send you off to your stations. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you are unsure on where to go, please ask myself or the Co-Host for help. Good luck!
Receptionist Training Script:
Receptionist Training Script:
Trainer: Welcome to the receptionist training area!!!
Trainer: Please stand on the lines in front of me as I will say some important information about the receptionist job!!
Trainer: Greetings! Welcome to the beginning of your receptionist training. I am your trainer (Your Username/Nickname).
Trainer: [I] Please be respectful towards me and other staff members during this training. Not doing so can result in a dismissal from this training.
Trainer: [II] Trolling during this training will not be tolerated. If you are seen trolling you will be dismissed from this training.
Trainer: That is all the rules for this section, any questions please state PTS.
Trainer: Please let me introduce my helpers for this session!!!
(Helpers step forward.)
Helper: Hello, I am (Your Username/Nickname), I will be one of your helpers for the session today.
Trainer: Trainees you may now go behind the computers for this session to commence.
Trainer: Helpers you are now dismissed to go to your trainees!!
Host: M You may now begin the training!
Helper: Greetings. My name is (Your Username/Nickname), I will be helping you through this training today.
Helper: Do you have any questions before we begin?
Helper: Please proceed to turn your attention to me as I give you some key information that will be vital for your success here at this training and Sinoara.
Helper: [I] Please make sure you inform me when going AFK so I know when to stop and start again for you.
Helper: [II] As your job, receptionist must check guests in and out, work at the front of the hotel and make sure guests have the best experience possible.
Helper: We are now ready to proceed with the first section of your training. That being the quiz section.
Helper: The quiz section of your training will include me sending you questions in a PM and your answering them to the best of your ability.
Helper: Any questions before we begin?
Helper: Make sure to tell me if you are AFK as I can not send you these questions again.
Helper: PM (Username) [I] What is the job of a receptionist here at Sionara?
Helper: PM (Username) [II] What would you do in the event you found a troller?
Helper: PM (Username) [III] What would you do in the event of an exploiter?
Helper: This quiz section is now finished. We will now be moving onto the roleplay section.
Helper: This section will consist of three parts: greetings, trolling simulation and exploiter simulation.
Helper: I will now walk up to you and proceed to ask for your greeting.
(Wait for them to give you there greeting.)
Helper: Hello, may I have a standard room please?
Helper: Thank you!! Congratulations you have passed this section, we will now move onto section 2 of the greetings, the trolling section.
Helper: We will now be moving onto the troller section of this training. Any questions before we begin?
(Walk up to them and wait for their greeting, once they have given your there greeting you may begin to troll around with them.)
Helper: We have now finished the trolling section. We will now be moving onto the exploiter section!
Helper: Do you have any questions before we begin?
(Walk up to them and wait for the greeting, then start exploiting.)
Helper: Great that is your training over, please follow me back to the lobby sa the Ranker will look over your answers and rank you if you passed!
Security Training Script:
Security Training Script:
Trainer: Hello! Welcome to the Security training area.
Trainer: Please stand on the lines in front of me as I will say some important information about the security job!!
Trainer: Greetings! Welcome to the beginning of your security training. I am your trainer (Your Username/Nickname).
Trainer: [I] Please be respectful towards me and other staff members during this training. Not doing so can result in a dismissal from this training.
Trainer: [II] Trolling during this training will not be tolerated. If you are seen trolling you will be dismissed from this training.
Trainer: That is all the rules for this section, any questions please state PTS.
Trainer: Please let me introduce my helpers for this session!!!
(Helpers step forward.)
Helper: Hello, I am (Your Username/Nickname), I will be one of your helpers for the session today.
Trainer: Trainees you may now go and stand on the line and wait for this session to commence.
Trainer: Helpers you are now dismissed to go to your trainees!!
Host: M You may now begin the training!
Helper: Greetings. My name is (Your Username/Nickname), I will be helping you through this training today.
Helper: Do you have any questions before we begin?
Helper: Please proceed to turn your attention to me as I give you some key information that will be vital for your success here at this training and Sinoara.
Helper: [I] Please make sure you inform me when going AFK so I know when to stop and start again for you.
Helper: [II] As your job, receptionist must check guests in and out, work at the front of the hotel and make sure guests have the best experience possible.
Helper: We are now ready to proceed with the first section of your training. That being the quiz section.
Helper: The quiz section of your training will include me sending you questions in a PM and your answering them to the best of your ability.
Helper: Any questions before we begin?
Helper: Make sure to tell me if you are AFK as I can not send you these questions again.
Helper: PM (Username) [I] What is the job of a security here at Sionara?
Helper: PM (Username) [II] What would you do in the event you found a troller?
Helper: PM (Username) [III] What would you do in the event of an exploiter?
Helper: This quiz section is now finished. We will now be moving onto the roleplay section.
Helper: This section will consist of three parts: greetings, trolling simulation and exploiter simulation.
Helper: I will now walk up to you and proceed to ask for your greeting.
(Wait for them to give you there greeting.)
Helper: Hello, may I have a member of security?
Helper: Thank you!! Congratulations you have passed this section, we will now move onto section 2 of the greetings, the trolling section.
Helper: We will now be moving onto the troller section of this training. Any questions before we begin?
(Walk up to them and wait for their greeting, once they have given your there greeting you may begin to troll around with them.)
Helper: We have now finished the trolling section. We will now be moving onto the exploiter section!
Helper: Do you have any questions before we begin?
(Walk up to them and wait for the greeting, then start exploiting.)
Helper: Great that is your training over, please follow me back to the lobby sa the Ranker will look over your answers and rank you if you passed!