Sirius is a former Roblox script and has recently went open sourced. Some of the features Sirius had were helpful to overall Roblox UX (like Sound Suppression, Auto Lower Graphics, Client Anti Chat Spam or Malicious Link Protection etc).
Sirius can be a useful tool to reverse engineer into helpful and high quality, tested features for your games or concepts.
Sirius also is a pioneer of interface design and looks (and animates) great, the interface is also public and is available as a free model on Roblox.
Just a disclaimer, the source code won’t run out of the box on Roblox due to external variables that Roblox doesn’t have by default, such as filesystems, environments and more. However, it shouldn’t be too hard to pick away at specific things you like about it!
Using some external variables with lua, in my experience, is unacceptable since the side effects could result in uncharacteristically high and extremely complex outcomes.