Sit animation won't work with custom anims

Hiya, so this is meant to be a script for a custom seat animation. It works fine in a baseplate game, but moving it to the main game with a custom animations script, it doesn’t work and is simply the default sit animation. Could someone please help me figure it out?

local seat = script.Parent
local lastOc 

	if prop == "Occupant" then
		if seat.Occupant then
			local oc = seat.Occupant
			local anim = script.Parent.Animation.AnimationId
			oc.Parent.Animate.sit.SitAnim.AnimationId = anim
			lastOc = oc
		if not seat.Occupant then
			if lastOc then
				lastOc.Parent.Animate.sit.SitAnim.AnimationId = ""

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

Is the main game published to a group? If so, the animation also needs to be published to the group for it to be used there.

I have a script that works I’ll give it to you as soon as I can copy it.

Yep, it is and the animations and game are both by the group.

Is it for one seat or all seats?

Just one seat. We have a bunch of different seat anims for different seats

Is the “custom animations script” something that is only in the main place or was this tested in the Baseplate as well? Based on the wording in the OP, it sounds like the default Animate script was used for the baseplate but this was not the case for the main game.

Additionally, I would recommend against using the Changed event to detect when the Occupant property changes, as the event will be activated under more circumstances that it needs to. You could instead utilize the GetPropertyChangedSignal method on the property to activate a function whenever that property in specific is changed.

Here’s a slight rewrite using that in addition to additional checks to ensue the code doesn’t error if the circumstances aren’t correct:

seat:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Occupant"):Connect(function() -- Activates function whenever the Occupant property changes

    local Occupant = seat.Occupant

    if Occupant then -- If there's an Occupant, then...

        local Animate = oc.Parent:FindFirstChild("Animate") -- Ensures the Animation LocalScript exists
        local anim = script.Parent.Animation.AnimationId

        if Animate then -- Updates AnimationId if Animate LocalScript exists
            Animate.sit.SitAnim.AnimationId = anim

    else -- In any other situation/whenever there isn't an Occupant
        if lastOc then -- Checks if there was a previous Occupant
            local Animate = lastOc.Parent:FindFirstChild("Animate") -- Ensures the Animation LocalScript exists

            if Animate then -- Updates AnimationId if Animate LocalScript exists
                Animate.sit.SitAnim.AnimationId = ""

I have a much simpler script that I’ll give when I have time most likely tomorrow.

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Inside of your seat add a script and an animation. Set the Id on your animation to your seat anim. Inside the script put this code

Seat = script.Parent
function added(child)
If (child.className==“Weld”) then
human = child.part1.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
if human ~= nil then
anim = human:LoadAnimtaion(seat.seatAnim) seatAnim is what I called my animation

function removed(child2)
if anim ~= nil then

Sorry it’s a little messy I’m on my iPad so writing is hard.

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Let me know if it worked!!!