Sith Order | Regulations for the Usage of the Force

This Developer Forum Post is designed to inform you of the laws, guidelines and how to use the Force. The Force is an tool which can be used to help you gain the upper hand in battle and to aid you in your mission.

What is the Force?
The Force is an tool of which Force Sensitive can tap into. It flows through everyone and everything. If you correctly use the Force, you can easily win battles. However, this does not mean you should overly use it. It is there to help you, not be weaponised.

How do I obtain the Force?
The Force can be obtained by two different ways.
1 | Reaching the rank of Sith Apprentice. When you reach this rank access to the Force will be unlocked. It is highly recommend you seek training with your Master prior to using the Force.
2 | By purchasing access to the Force via Gamepasses. This access can be removed if you abuse it. You only get one chance.

What Force Powers are there?
1 | Force Lightning. Force Lightning is accessible via pressing the X keybind on your keyboard. It allows you to shoot lightning and it deals approximately 70 damage.
2 | Force Choke. Force Choke is accessible via pressing the F keybind on your keyboard. It allows you to crush your enemies throat by dealing 30 damage.
3 | Force Push. Force Push is accessible by pressing the Z keybind on your keyboard. It allows you to telekinetically push someone away from you.
4 | Force Pull. Force Pull is accessible by pressing the Q keybind on your keyboard. It allows you to telekinetically pull someone towards you.

Laws surrounding the usage of the Force
Section 5 of the In-Game Rules, Law for the Regulation on usage of the Force dictates the following: “Force misuse can result in Imprisonment of up to 10 minutes. If the arresting officer believes further punishment is required, they can approach the Dark Council. Misuse of the Force could result in losing access, a demotion, Game Ban or even blacklist!”

Abusing the Force WILL result in punishment, and if an individual regularly abuses the Force, it CAN and WILL be taken away from them.

Force Trainings
Force Trainings are what the Sith Order uses to train low ranks in the use of the Force. The Force Training is for Acolyte II to attend to obtain the rank of Sith Adept. The Force is a powerful ability available to only Sith Apprentice+ and those who own the gamepass. Correct usage of it can turn the tide in vicious raids and battles. The host will give you all access to the “Force” for the training period only. They will show you how to use it to maximum effect and how to incorporate it into Lightsaber Combat. You should take note that the Force is not in itself a weapon, it’s a powerful asset that should be used to give you the upper hand, not do all your fighting for you. You can find more information on this here.