Sitting animations cause my character's movement to break

Sitting animations cause my character’s center to move forward instead of staying inside it’s body.

Thats how it looks, heres the game:

Has anyone ever experienced that?



Mhm, looks weird, Maybe a script error ?

What could possibly cause that error? I checked the character and it’s clean.

Does the character has any object attached or welded?

No. But we found out that removing HRP on client removes the glitch.

I would not recommend you to do that, try to set HRP Massless (HumanoidRootPart > Massless = true)

“Sitting animations” I assume you you play them with :Play()? Make sure to stop them with :Stop() after

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I am. The problem is 100% with HRP

if I set HRP massless it doesnt let my character move.

Then make sure your animations don’t ever move that. HumanoidRootPart doesn’t need to be animated.

… you cannot animate HRP with roblox’s animations.


So I have noticed a very important thing: The glitch is caused by HRP (Humanoid Root Part)

How did I notice that? After deleting HRP when the glitch appeared, the character magically fixed itself. However, lack of HRP breaks my animations in weird ways.

I did not animate HRP, as its not possible.

Another thing, Root Attachment’s properties change:



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