Sitting animations not working ingame

So, I want to make a sitting animation for a campfire in one of my games, they somehow don’t work in game. They work perfectly fine in studio, and it’s annoying me.

In Studio:

In game:

I’ve tried changing the animations setting from Core to idle to movement and whatsoever, and nothing works!

I use a script created by Endorsed model

-- Created by EndorsedModel --

---------- VARIABLES ----------

local seat = script.Parent
local sleepingR15 = seat.SleepingR15
local sleepingR6 = seat.SleepingR6
local sleepAnim

---------- CONNECTIONS ----------

seat.Changed:Connect(function(property) -- if a property in the seat changes
	if property ~= "Occupant" then return end -- if that property is not "occupant" then we'll ignore the change and stop the function
	local occupant = seat.Occupant
	if occupant then -- if we do have an occupant then do the stuff below
		local character = occupant.Parent
		local humanoid = character.Humanoid
		local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
		if player and humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then -- checks if we're using R15
			sleepAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(sleepingR15)
		elseif player then -- this is for if we're using R6
			sleepAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(sleepingR6)
	elseif sleepAnim then -- if we don't have an occupant but the property changed that means someone just got up
		sleepAnim:Stop() -- stop the sleeping animation so the player who got up isn't stuck in a sleeping animation

Please help me solve this issue. It would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Is a game in a group?
If so you need to put your animations in your group.


Yes. It is a group game. And yes, it works now. Thank you!