Size | Full Guide to The Size Property and How To Use it

Hello, I am Aidan Plays!!. Today I will go from start to finish on what size is and how you can use it to better your builds when making a game. I hope you learn something that you didn’t know in this article.

Ever seen a really cool build that had A PERFECT SQUARE and thought “But that’s impossible!”. Well, sorry to break it to you, but you are actually wrong. It is called size, we use it all the time in Roblox Studio. It is everywhere you look.

What is Size:
Size is the mass of an object in your game. Say you spawn a part, that part used to be mass-less, but now that it has size, players can touch it and even interact with it.

Size Property VS. Scale Tool:
The scale tool is a very basic tool. You can edit size using it, but that’s about it.
However, The Size property is much more advanced. For example, with the Scale tool it is very hard to make a perfect square. With the Size property, it takes a few numbers, and it is Exact.

Where to Find Size Property And Scale Tool:
Scale Tool: The Scale tool can be found on the “Home” tab next to Move and Rotate.
Size Property: The Size property can be found inside of a part’s properties in the “Part” section.

Why should i Worry about size:
Size is really important to the game play. If your object was to big, players wouldn’t be able to use it. If it was to small, Players could use it, but the game play experience for them would go down a lot. After all, in studio, it isn’t all about how long something takes to make, it is about what the player thinks and if they will come back. Size is one of those key factors you must get right.

Tips on how to check size:
There are a few ways to check if your part is too big, too small, or perfectly sized. You simply either go to Plugins, and use the rig plugin to add a rig. Rigs are what is used to animate, so they are the same size as any avatar. To save time, you can also use the “Drooling Zombie” Model in toolbox (It is a high quality virus free model that is one of the most popular so it takes around 10 seconds to find/add it).

X, Y, Z:
X represents: The area on the X line of a part.
5, 1, 2

3, 1, 2

Y Represents: The area Above and below the part (on the Y line of the part).
3, 4, 2

3, 0.5, 2

Z Represents: The area of the part on the Z line of the part.
3, 0.5, 5

3, 0.5, 10

Cubes, as most of us know, are objects with every face and angle being the same. In Roblox Studio, a cube would be an object with every size being the same.
10, 10, 10

If you want to build way more advanced, don’t use the scale tool on parts, use the Size property. There are many ways you can practice, you can use it when creating props such as buildings and Bushes. These properties are advanced, but once you know them they will make your games will be way better and easier to make.

Thank you for reading, Hope you learned something new, bye!


I do not completely understand what this tutorial is attempting to accomplish. Everybody understands you check the property tab to check the size.

Additionally, I doubt that anybody needs an explanation as to what “Size” refers to. Is this just a tutorial to teach people that x, y, and z means?


It is supposed to be a tutorial for less experienced developers. It’s sort of like a basic explanation. I tried to make it as clearly stated as possible.

My primary point is that you literally just sent a few images and added a step on how to create a square block? I believe the tutorial is completely unnecessary even for less experienced developers.


It is a quick introduction to size and it is not the best, but i tried to make it good.

Hello there, @AidanPlaysYT_Real!

Although I understand the fact that you made this tutorial for less experienced / beginners and appreciate the efforts, I have to agree with @fivefactor. This is something so basic to the point where you could figure out on your own, and if you can’t, Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub has a very good explanation of every built in tool that is on their platform. This topic is a little bit too generic. I am not a builder by any means but I feel like you could do something more creative such as explaining how building integrates with scripting, how to position parts well, how to plan something you are going to build etc…

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Okay, I understand. I might have made a bad tutorial that already has many explanations, but at least i still put effort into it. Sorry that it didn’t help. I might do one of those ideas though, if it is okay with you.

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No, it is not a bad tutorial at all and that was not the point! As I said I very much appreciate the fact that you are spending your time creating tutorials here for other developers to learn from but I feel like you could be showing way more creative things here. Although your tutorial was just about size, I must credit you for being very descriptive and even showing examples in practice. If you made a tutorial about something else I am pretty confident you would do a very good job at it.

I am following you and going to patiently wait for the next one :wink: :+1:. I wish you the best of luck!

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Alright, I will have more posts out later. I will try to think of something descriptive that people have lots of trouble with.

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Basic Studio usage is not substantial enough for this category, sorry about that.