Size issue with healthbar

I want my healthbar’s size to scale properly with the amount of health the thing the player is mining currently has left.

The issue is that the healthbar starts at like 1/10 of the max health. The rest of the healthbar works but the size starts at the wrong value when I start mining something. The original size in studio is (1, 0, 1, 0) so it should start at the correct size.

This is my script:

local damageRM = game.ReplicatedStorage.Damage
local StartingTime = time()

local function updateBar(initialWidthScale, MaxHealth, bar, currentHealth)
bar.Parent.Visible = true
bar.Parent.TextLabel.Text = currentHealth … “/” … MaxHealth

local healthPercentage = currentHealth / MaxHealth
local newWidthScale = initialWidthScale * healthPercentage

local newSize =, 0, bar.Size.Y.Scale, 0)
bar:TweenSize(newSize, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, 0.3, false)


damageRM.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(MaxHealth, currentHealth, name)
script.Parent.BackgroundHealthbar.NameOfItem.Text = tostring(name)

StartingTime = time()

local initialWidthScale = script.Parent.BackgroundHealthbar.Size.X.Scale

updateBar(initialWidthScale, MaxHealth, script.Parent.BackgroundHealthbar.Healthbar, currentHealth)

if currentHealth <= 0 then
	script.Parent.BackgroundHealthbar.Visible = false


if time() - StartingTime > 2 then
	script.Parent.BackgroundHealthbar.Visible = false



Shouldn’t the X-scale component simply be the ratio of current health to maximum health? It seems unnecessary to factor in the initial X-scale component.

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I recently switched from offset to scale and I forgot that scale calculates automatically with no need to account for the original width. Thanks for the solution.

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