Size Matcher - Quickly match the size of objects with this plugin

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Size Matcher Plugin

What is Size Matcher?

This plugin allows you to quickly resize any number of objects to match the size of another object. Works with BaseParts and Models!

Models will scale to the target part’s size (or target model’s bounding box)!

How To Use

Step 1:

Select object(s) you want to resize. You may select any number of Parts, Meshes, MeshParts, and Models.

Once you have selected all objects click Next.

Step 2:

Select the object you would like to match in size then click Set.

And that’s it!

Selecting a model as the size matcher will simply resize all parts to the bounding box of the model. If you would like to scale the model to a parts size, look below!

Resizing Models

Since models work on a scale basis, using Size Matcher to change the size of Models will estimate the best scale to match the size of the matching object.

For example, let’s say I want to resize this tower to the size of the blue part. I would do the same steps as any other part, however the result will look a bit different!

Then we click Set and…

The tower is now scaled to an estimated size based on the size of the part!

That’s all you need to know for Size Matcher!

This is my first plugin I have made so I would love to hear feedback or if you encounter any bugs! While this is a simple plugin, I hope it can be used to save a little time!

Thanks for reading! :slightly_smiling_face:

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100 Robux vs this, sorry no, easy decision. Maybe if it was free, but no.


I am fully aware :rofl:

However, this plugin makes it easier when resizing parts based on a model’s bounding box, as well as scaling a model to a part size.
I mainly wanted it to just save time, even if its really only a second.

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If you wanted a part to be positioned and scaled to a model’s bounding box… 99.99% of the time it will be done at runtime by code. It wouldn’t make sense to have that part baked!