Sizing an object based on a gui


Im trying to size a part within a ViewportFrame based off of the size of the ViewportFrame’s parent.

To illustrate my issue:
Screen Shot 2021-05-19 at 11.36.18 pm Screen Shot 2021-05-19 at 11.36.48 pm

The green part as it appears is the ideal size (matching it with the parent frame’s size), as the gui will be scaling I can’t keep the size of the part a constant and was curious on how I could make this work.

I’m also wondering if there is a way I could manipulate the cameras and if that would be easier?

any input is appreciated, thanks!

Uh I don’t think you want to scale the part, you want to scale the ViewportFrame with the ViewportFrames parent.

You can do that easily by setting the Position and Size of the ViewportFrame using Scale.

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oh yes I realise now thanks

I try to make things hard for myself :laughing:

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