For some reason, whenever i want to size something more bigger, it just moves like the move tool. I don’t get this and I want this to be solved very very soon.
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Thank you.
For some reason, whenever i want to size something more bigger, it just moves like the move tool. I don’t get this and I want this to be solved very very soon.
Video :
Thank you.
It appears you have local on press CTRL+L on your keyboard to turn it off.
Nope, this is still not working.
Can you show me the topbar of your studio?
This is probably one part inside your model has already reached its 2048 stud limit, meaning you are scaling the model including the max sized part, considering changing that and you can scale it easily
This would be correct. It appears that one part has reached the size limit.
If it’s a mesh, you can put a specialmesh inside of a part and use the meshId and size the specialmesh bigger than the size limit by changing it’s size property manually.
Yes the size is 2048 on each, how to I keep expanding it?
Woah, no you cant do that also why are you making it so big? is it a huge baseplate??
I guess I can’t, I guess I close the thread?
yeah, thats the problem, the only solution is to make another model of 2048 stud squares and then joining them into one huge model
guess i cant make saturn
Well, technically you can make a huge mesh part inside an invisible part and you can scale that meshpart up to 10k studs or more! but that will result in rendering problems since the textures will glitch out due to pixelated stretches
That works! Thank you much for helping me.
Take this for example, Im going to scale a square meshpart
look at the properties, happy now with bigness? on the scale property
Also that means if you scale the real part itself, the mesh would also scale along with it with the set ratio of 1:10000
so if you put the part 100 studs, the mesh will show itself a million studs.
Have a great day and learn something new everyday