Sizzle & Slice | Public Handbook

Welcome to Sizzle & Slice :pizza:

Sizzle & Slice is a specialized pizzeria serving a variety of pizzas and special appetizers. Founded in April 2024 by @eagerjakez and @lnfverno. The Presidential Team would like to welcome you to the public handbook and thank you for taking the time to read through this handbook.
Please note that this handbook is still in the works.

If you have any further questions after reading the handbook, we invite you to ask one of our Executives.

Rank Descriptions

In this section of the handbook, it will tell you all of our MR+ ranks and what each rank does and its responsibilities. This section will also include the limit to how many people can have the rank at a time. (Subject to change) This rank limit will be included next to the name of the rank.


(30) Kitchen Supervisor: The first rank in the management team, Kitchen Supervisors are responsible for supervising the Pizzeria while in game and insuring Low Ranks our performing to their best ability. Kitchen Supervisors are able to also train at training sessions. Kitchen Supervisors are also able to host normal shifts.

(25) Manager: Similar to the Kitchen Supervisors responsibilities, Managers supervise and manage the Pizzeria. Managers are now able to Host and Co-Host training sessions and can now rank LR users in the group. Additionally, Managers are able to Co-Host promotional shifts.

(15) Senior Manager: Senior Managers are the last and final rank in the management team. Senior Managers are able to be an assistant in one of the 2 departments (more information in next section), to prepare themselves for when they reach executive ranks. Lastly, Senior Managers are able to host promotional shifts.


(10) Executive Officer: The first rank in the executive team. Executive Officers are department members and able to fully work in the department they were an assistant as a Senior Manager. Executive Officers can now supervise/oversee training. PRD EOs are able to promote users to Kitchen Supervisor while HRD EOs are able to promote users up to Manager and assist in Senior Manager promotions.

(4) Executive Manager: Executive managers are the deputy heads of the department that they are in. Executive managers are able to oversee promotional shifts. Executive Managers are able to promote users now to Senior Manager (if the promotee wishes to go into the department they co-lead) and promote users to Executive Officer.

(2) Executive Director: The final rank in the executive team, and the leads of the two departments. Executive directors are in charge of leading their departments an ensuring success in their department. Executive directors are able to promote users to Executive Manager also.


(2) Presidential Assistant: The first rank in the presidential team, and responsible for overseeing the 2 departments. Presidential Assistants ensure the department they’re overseeing is meeting the criteria of success and may make modifications to their department whether it’s promoting or demoting a user when necessary.

(1) Vice President: Responsible for overseeing the group’s operations and ensuring success criteria is met. Vice Presidents also oversee the game and departments’ everyday operations. Vice Presidents also manage the lower end of the Presidential Team. Vice president is the last obtainable rank

(1) Senior Vice President: The co-owner of the group, the senior vice president usually manages the major backend of Sizzle & Slice and ensures the Presidential Team is meeting standards. Along with the president they oversee the entirety of the group and its operations. Not obtainable

(1) President: The owner of Sizzle & Slice, overseeing the entirety of the group. Not obtainable

Department Information

Public Relations: The Public Relations Department deals with all of Sizzle & Slice’s affiliates and hosts events to keep the community active and engaged. They also help the group form partnerships and ways on how to grow the group further.

Human Resources: The Human Resources Department deals with all of our staff matters such as; promotions, consequences and recommending individuals to become a part of the team here at Sizzle & Slice. Human Resources is important as they make sure that our community is welcoming.

Affiliate Information

As an affiliate of Sizzle and Slice, we expect our partners to be respectful and keep in slight communication with us. Moreso, we’d like all of our partners to follow the rules we have and Discord rules. We’d like for your group to have at least 2-3 individuals representing on behalf of your group at Sizzle and Slice.

Additionally, for the requirements your group may make, we will make sure to announce all of your events and game releases. However, we will not be announcing any type of Staff Applications so please be aware of this.


  • NUMBER Group Members.
  • NUMBER Discord Server Members.
  • No free ranking or selling ranks with admin commands that can be abused.
  • Must be active and be up to announcing our events.
  • 2-3 representatives have to be provided and be in our Discord Server.
  • All industries are allowed to apply except military groups.

We will be taking exceptions if your group doesn’t meet our requirements, if you need to file an exception please contact someone within the Public Relations Department.


Info here

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer Here

Answer Here

Answer Here

Rank Promotion Guide

Info here

Important Links

Main group
• Discord Invite - See social links
• Pizzeria - (W.I.P)
• Training Center - (W.I.P)

The Leadership Team hopes that this handbook has been useful for you and would like to thank you for reading all of the information provided. If you happen to have any questions regarding anything mentioned in this handbook, please contact a member of the Leadership Team.

Last edited July 25th, 2024.

Signed and approved by,
Sizzle & Slice, Leadership Team :pizza: