Affected items
Sk8r boi: Sk8r Boi - Roblox
Sk9r boi: Sk9r Boi - Roblox
Sk10r boi: Sk10r Boi - Roblox
Sk11r: Sk11r - Roblox
Sk12r boi: Sk12r Boi - Roblox
Sk13r: Sk13r - Roblox
The Bribe: The Bribe - Roblox
Every entry in the “Sk8r” series that uses the original mesh has strange shading across the model, most notably a single polygon in the hair on the back that looks abnormally sharp, making it stand out and look as if it’s glowing.
Expected Behavior
Mesh should be reshaded, polygon in the back fixed by smoothing it out or similar solution.
Due to these being so classic, changing these would possibly cause an argument or a few rants,
people like that classic design and there is no reason for this to be changed
Is just a single sharp traingle, how would this cause an argument?
“it was an old mistake on a classic item” is not an excuse to have imperfect assets. A mistake is a mistake and ideally should be fixed.
Keep in mind later entries of the Sk8r series have fixed this mistake making it clear this was not the intentional design. (picture below depicts Sk11r and SkAmericatr)