Upon messing with skateboards, I have discovered that the skateboard itself is pretty much stuck to the torso of the player. This is without the use of welds, it’s purely from the skateboard itself.
How can I change the torso to the HumanoidRootPart?
theres a deprecated seat-like object called “SkateboardPlatform”.
it’s what roblox used in the era of skateboards.
i know using it isn’t the best option since it’s deprecated, but since it still technically works, it’s the easiest solution for a project i’m making without the trouble of literally programming my own board.
‘SkateboardPlatforms’ automatically create a Motor6D instance named ‘SkateboardMotor6D’ whenever a player’s character comes into contact with them, this Motor6D's ‘Part0’ property is set to the ‘SkateboardPlatform’ itself and its ‘Part1’ property is set to the character’s ‘Torso’ for R6 rigs or the character’s ‘UpperTorso’ for R15 rigs. Here’s a script which works when parented directly to a ‘SkateboardPlatform’ instance.
local Script = script
local SkateboardPlatform = Script.Parent
local function OnChildAdded(Child)
local Character = Child.Part1:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model")
if not Character then return end
local Root = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if Root then Child.Part1 = Root end