Ski, and Physics Help

Hey, Tom here, looking for some direction and help!

I’m currently working on my ski game again, and I am trying to fix my skis. They aren’t mine; they belong to these skis on Roblox.

The skis are built with attachments, joints, and many other Roblox physics elements I am very unfamiliar with. Therefore, I was hoping to swap it over to a script of some sort. The skis work with an invisible sphere, which is attached to the humanoid to create the moving effect as some sort of ‘new legs’. As seen below:

Apologies it’s hard to read the element in the explorer

The ski system can sometimes break, and you end up with your torso poking out of the snow. Then, when you get out, you go flying (not joking). I have adjusted a script to change the force and all, but it’s unrealistic.

This means I would prefer to redo the skis system and avoid the Roblox physics as they just cause problems, but I’m not quite sure how.

So, I would appreciate if someone could give me some direction. My scripting knowledge is moderate, as I mostly focus on tweening and simple events to link GUIs.

[ There’s a video of how their physics work. I understand it’s built on a different game engine, so it’s a different scenario. But you can get it on the app store. ]

Thank you so much if you are able to help, as it’s not my area of expertise.

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