Trello link - Trello
The game - Ski Resort - Roblox
V0.3 (DEV)
- Reworked Lift Models to UNI-G
- Reworked ENTIRE Map!
- Reworked lighting
- Reworked textures
- Optimized lift experience
- Added lift queues
- Remodeled trees
- Heavy backend optimization
V0.21 (DEV)
- Fixed unanchored sign at Sapphire Run
- Moved map up to fix void death issue
V0.2 (DEV)
- Remodelled Signs
- Reworked Lift Models
- Optimized weird ski physics somewhat
- Reworked left sapphire side of resort
- Added some terrain in preperation for future updates
- Optimized Game to be less laggy (i hope)
Ski Resort - Development Branch - Roblox - V0.12 Now on main branch
V0.12 (DEV)
- Game and loading optimizations in dev branch.
- Physics optimizations in dev branch.
Ski Resort - Development Branch - Roblox
- Backend optimizations to help future updates
- Added new lighting effects
- Added more terrain and trees
- Optimization regarding loading game
- Fixed loading screen (actually)
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Removed ski lifts, reset to respawn back to the spawn.
- Pushed a loading screen (probably will be updated in the future)