Skill Tree. Please Help

Hiya! I need help with my skill tree with my Jojo game on ROBLOX. I’ll send you the picture for what I’ve done so far. I want to script it so that you can’t buy literally any skill when you’ve not unlocked it so I want to make it in order to unlock the skills as you go along. Can someone help me with the script? Any help will be appreciated.
ps. I also want it to save progress for when you leave the game and when you use a rokakaka you get your skillpoints back.

Here is my script.


Just a helpful tip, when posting code you do not have to screen shot it. It makes it harder for people to edit and fix. Just type:

followed by three more backticks and no brackets.

Also, major flaws already. You are removing their skill points ON THE CLIENT. You can use remote events to send to the server saying that they would like to buy an upgrade. Do your changes and stuff there. Subtracting skill points on the client will cause lots of issues. Hackers can just edit the “if player.SkillPoints.Value >= 10 then” to just remove the need for skill points all together.