Hello! I am currently making a freezer mechanic, where once you step in the freezer, your character slowly starts turning blue. However, my skin instantly turns blue! There is no transition or anything.
I have no idea why this is happening, and would really appreciate it if someone could help me!
-- timeElapsed on the following line would be the duration for which they were in the freezer or began freezing
local TIME_TO_FREEZE = 20 -- say it takes 20 seconds for them to fully freeze
local FROZEN_COLOUR = Color3.new(0.0313725, 0.662745, 1) -- the colour the player will be when they are fully frozen
local timeElapsed = 0
local isFreezing = false
local function updateColour(plr)
-- now to get the colour for each body part:
local head = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Head')
local ra = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Right Arm')
local la = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Left Arm')
local rl = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Right Leg')
local ll = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Left Leg')
local t = plr.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso')
local colourInterpolated = head.Color:Lerp(FROZEN_COLOUR, math.clamp(timeElapsed / TIME_TO_FREEZE, 0, 1))
local colourInterpolated1 = ra.Color:Lerp(FROZEN_COLOUR, math.clamp(timeElapsed / TIME_TO_FREEZE, 0, 1))
local colourInterpolated2 = la.Color:Lerp(FROZEN_COLOUR, math.clamp(timeElapsed / TIME_TO_FREEZE, 0, 1))
local colourInterpolated3 = rl.Color:Lerp(FROZEN_COLOUR, math.clamp(timeElapsed / TIME_TO_FREEZE, 0, 1))
local colourInterpolated4 = ll.Color:Lerp(FROZEN_COLOUR, math.clamp(timeElapsed / TIME_TO_FREEZE, 0, 1))
local colourInterpolated5 = t.Color:Lerp(FROZEN_COLOUR, math.clamp(timeElapsed / TIME_TO_FREEZE, 0, 1))
head.Color = colourInterpolated
ra.Color = colourInterpolated1
la.Color = colourInterpolated2
rl.Color = colourInterpolated3
ll.Color = colourInterpolated4
t.Color = colourInterpolated5
-- assign colourInterpolated to the rest of the body parts
isFreezing = not isFreezing
if isFreezing then
while isFreezing do
timeElapsed += task.wait()
timeElapsed = 0