Skinned Mesh Bones not animating as intended?

Hey! I am working on a game, and I have a fully rigged & animated character that I am trying to import from Blender. However the tongue simply refuses to animate as it’s supposed to.

I have tried several times, even going as far to re-rig the tongue entirely, nothing has worked. I’m at the point where I’m thinking to just remove it temporarily so I can get on with development.

This is the bone giving me trouble, it’s correctly parented and has good weight painting. I literally have no idea why this is a problem other than it either being some small thing I’m overlooking, or it being an issue with Roblox itself. Help would be appreciated !


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I’m not really sure what the problem is either. The bone looks like it’s connected to something but is that something connected to anything else? Is it all one armature?

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