May 24, 2021, 5:46am
So currently i’m making a test game but i NEED something to make it working
when i put a sword inside “StarterPack” it seems like it didn’t work
though this sword was taken from Toolbox and i though it works but it didn’t hold
(Imported as S15 Rthro avatar)
any script to make it working?
Skinned MeshParts are live!
We are pleased to announce the introduction of skinned MeshParts. Previously the appearance of characters and objects were represented by rigid parts. Now, the surface of those parts can be continuous making the mesh smoother, and more realistic looking.
What does this look like?
The avatar on the right is a traditional rigid R15 Model. The avatar on the left is made up of 15 skinned MeshParts in th…
i didn’t see anyone making characters with tools holding so i wonder why is it like this.
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May 24, 2021, 5:55am
it’s named as “Handle” but one thing is it didn’t work
EXPECT normal blocky character
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May 24, 2021, 5:59am
This is not related to this topic
please read what i said on
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Your character technically doesn’t have any hands and therefore, cannot hold anything. You will probably have to try scripting a way around to fix the issue and manually attach the weapon to your character’s “hands” rather than relying on roblox’s normal tool behavior.
May 24, 2021, 6:02am
though it has “RightHand” but somehow i can’t manage to make it welding to it’s hand
do i need to create a part of it and rig it?
here’s another expanded
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I might be completely wrong since its been several months that I’ve worked with roblox studio however:
Think of roblox tools as being very simple, if it detects the body parts:
Right Arm (r6)
Right Hand (r15)
The tool will automatically weld itself to those parts HOWEVER .
If its a bone, motor6d, or a character who doesn’t have those body parts, it will not count and simply won’t weld.
You’ll have to setup a script of a sort to manually weld/attach the weapon to the characters hand location.
June 2, 2021, 3:48pm
you cannot weld and use tools on skinned meshes so you need to import the tool to blender then add bone for the tool then parent the bone to which hand bone you want and it will work but its just visual you need to script it yourself like when player equipped the sword then the sword transparency will be 0 so thats how it works and collisions are weird on skinned meshes it doesn’t follow the bones so you need to make a hitbox for it.
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June 3, 2021, 1:58pm
i already figured out with this but it seems that i need a script to track it’s hand to make it working
big thanks to @willbobdie