Hello. I am making a Leopard Gecko skinned mesh for one of my games. It’s completely rigged and weight painted, however, once imported into Roblox, some bones in aren’t visible (In the Middle of the Skeleton), and it’s like some bones aren’t attached to one another when they’re supposed to be.
Here’s what my rig looks like
As you can see below, the weight paint is not buggy, and all the bones move like it’s supposed to
But when I try to animate it in Roblox Studio…
This happens.
Firstly, the very tip of the tail acts as if it has incorrect weight painting,
In Blender, you can clearly see its weight is 100% to the TailTipBone

Secondly, a bone in the middle isn’t showing up as if it’s a bone that’s at the tip of the skeleton.
In Blender, you can see that bone is in the middle of the skeleton, not at the tip, and you can see it’s connected to the spine bones and tail bones.
Same thing happens with the head…
Does anyone know what’s wrong with this? I’m not sure if it’s a problem with my rig, weight paint, or if it’s simply a Roblox Bug.
Are there ways to fix this, and if not, are there any workarounds?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.