Skinned Mesh Rig Falling Through Ground

The only NPC of mine that is using skinned meshes is falling through the ground, while my other ones (which only have one body part, HumanoidRootPart which is a MeshPart that has cancollide disabled).

These ones has no issues navigating through my map and do not fall through the ground. However, upon disabling collisions on the skinned rig, it falls through the map.

Has anyone had this same issue or know a way to resolve it.

I’m assuming that since you’re using the HumanoidRootPart, you’re using the humanoid ok the rig. Did you set the HipHeight property to fit the rig? HipHeight is responsible for making sure that the Humanoid is tall enough to not clip through the floor.

If not, you should supplement the post with pics and videos of your issue.

Thank you – let me check on that.

This is the rig in question. Please excuse the messed up face textures.

Setting the HipHeight property manually does not work because if it is off the ground, it results in some weird behavior where the NPC moves wayyyy slower than expected and has super glitchy and weird behavior. Attempting to move the HumanoidRootPart also causes the Motor6ds in some of the parts to break as well.

The formula documented on the HipHeight page does not seem to work either due to the nature of the feet. The foot on this rig is not its own part but is instead connected to the lower knee that I outlined with the red box.

This is what I am referring to by “Weird Behavior”. (Keep in mind collisions are disabled completely on this rig)