Skinned Mesh/Layered Clothing breaking/stretching intensely

It seems to have started happening earlier today without intervention. And is partially inconsistent with it occurring to certain people only.
This is occurring live

Game: neon❖Knights [BETA] - Roblox

Expected behavior

The clothing and apparel applies normally such as so:


Vouch, this is happening in my game too, and it started today. For me personally, it only happens when a skinned mesh is parented inside a skinned character. Seems to be purely visual, I’ll provide a place file if needed

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this started to happening to me as well, it was ok last night

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We have heard similar reports from people playing Horse Valley


As mentioned by someone else earlier

we weld things to our skinned rig, however unlike the quoted person, it doesn’t happen uniquely to cases where it is a skinned mesh as our attachments lack weights.

These reports came in 2023-10-06 03:38 GMT

Just a speculation but the following fflags seems relevant:

Deleted AffineSkinning4_Rollout
Changed AffineSkinning4 [False] → [True]

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I think this is also heavily impacting performance of bones. I’m seeing performance impacts of around 5x with respect to bone transforms.

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Thanks for the bug reports. This should begin resolving itself now, please let us know if it persists. We will follow up offline for more details for debugging.


@asmanwoks can you please mark this resolved?

@CompilerError can you please open a new bug report with your performance issue? It appears to be unrelated to this bug report.

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