Skinned MeshParts are live!

jonathan i run into a problem here, i’ve made rigs in the blender all work fine and exporter less one, an Alien in Ship is not working how it supose, and all the rigs are made in same way.

the ship get animated but the alien inside dont.
the ship is chield of root bone and also the alien.

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Sorry I’m a complete scrub at this but I’m trying to use Mixamo animations with my rig and im getting an issue where the rig in the studio isnt rotating at all like in the animation preview in Mixamo. Any ideas?


it seens that the lower legs are not animated but they are in a static pose, so the lower torso animation is influencing the legs.

but you can try disabling automatic scaling in the humanoid, maybe that help you a bit.
humanoid automatic scaling is a pain for animators.

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I have the same problem, you can just animate it in blender and import the animation as FBX.

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Hello :slight_smile:

I’m super-duper happy to see this feature live!
I’ve been messing with it, but a question arose:
Is it possible to import a rig and allow separate MeshParts like armour to use the same rig?

To elaborate on that, I’d like to get this character in-game:

But I want the armour to be customizable and therefore should not be part of the character mesh, correct? Same counts for the weaponry…
Some armour pieces are rigid (e.g the shoulder-pads) and some are skinned too (e.g the leather torso). I figured that rigid and skinned meshes together don’t work too well, unless I did something wrong.

Could anybody help me out with this?


To show an example of using RunService.Stepped() to have Parts track Bones:

local handBone = nil
for _, descendant in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
	if descendant.Name == "Hand" then
		handBone = descendant

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local handToPartCenter = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(180)) +, 0, 0) 
RunService.Stepped:Connect(function(time, step)
	local partCFrame = handBone.TransformedWorldCFrame * handToPartCenter
	character.part.Motor6D.Transform = character.CFrame:Inverse() * partCFrame 

Yes - if you rig the armor to the same joints as the body, and connect the armor Parts with Welds then the armor will deform with the body.


Sadly this didnt help at all and the model I am animating currently doesnt have a humanoid.

it seems with multiple animations the hips refuse to move and I have no idea why

@RobieTheCat so how would i go about making this actually work as a character? i have made the character its rigged in blender but when i name it StarterChracter and test the movements broken it can barely move it cant jump and im wondering is there something i have too do to make it work and can these hold tools and do everything the roblox avatar can?

Assuming you don’t simply have a part Anchored that shouldn’t be, the next most common cause would be that the source animation does not have the hip motion stored on the correct bone or node. For example, if you upload a character to Mixamo that is already rigged, rather than using one of their characters, your downloaded animation FBX files will have the hip movement on a root-level locator (which becomes the “Armature” in Blender), rather than on the Root bone. If not fixed up at some point in the workflow pipeline, prior to bringing the animation into Studio, it’s possible for this hip translation to be lost, resulting in a character that appears just as if their LowerTorso part is anchored in place, even when it is not. It’s because the LowerTorso Root motor transforms are all identity.

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anyone? know how cause im not sure

Do I Import the armour and such regularly or through the rig importer? :thinking:


So the animation works fine on the rig itself, but I have tried using WeldConstraints, the legacy Welds and even Motor6D’s to connect the armour and weapons. Sadly it appears to be unsuccessful.

Weld Constraints & Welds just put the armour in the center of the character and won’t deform nor move along in the Animation Editor.
Multiple Motor6D’s from multiple meshes attached to 1 mesh throws an error.

It also appears that certain bones are missing. In Blender I also have Grip bones for the weapons, parented to the hand bones but they’re non-existent in studio. How can I fix that?

What do I do?


Rig Build-up:

Armour Setup:



I may have encountered a few visual bugs with skinned mesh rigs suddenly disappearing when changing either the FOV or the cframe of the camera, to a certain extent. I have not done anything besides playing animations on the rig. Here’s some footage my friend has collected.

Computer Specs

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz
Memory: 32768MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 32706MB RAM
Page File: 18649MB used, 30057MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 12
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce GTX 1080
Display Memory: 24432 MB
Dedicated Memory: 8079 MB
Shared Memory: 16353 MB


Sadly this is over my head, thanks for the explanation I may just have to hire an animator lol

Hey there, It seems that whenever I try and import a FBX animation the armature / skeleton increases in size. eventhough in blender its the correct size?
See attached Screenshot:


Im not sure if anyone stated this problem or got a fix for this but I had a problem with the end timeline if I import my .FBX animation in studios to my fully skinned model it doesn’t add in the ending frame. In studios the ending frame is 30 frames. But in blender it should end at 70 frame.

pictures for reference
In studio v

In blender v

With skinned mesh parts now live, when can we expect to see the Levitation and LinearVelocity constraints come? :smile:

@RobieTheCat so how would i go about making this actually work as a character? i have made the character its rigged in blender but when i name it StarterChracter and test the movements broken it can barely move it cant jump and im wondering is there something i have too do to make it work and can these hold tools and do everything the roblox avatar can?

Can’t wait for the following to be implemented:

  • Multiple animation importing

  • Automatic collision geometry generation between joints for things like character ragdolls with some sort of capsule collider, and allow bone adornment so they can be attached to those objects rather than their bone parent and vice versa when un ragdolled

  • Blend shape / Shape key support so you can make characters blink, speak, and more with far less effort required than rigging those parts of the body and animating them

  • Ability to animate the above data with Animation files (even imported ones) so you could record something like lip synced data and map it to the shape keys

  • Some sort of Viseme detection plugin for audio kinda like what is used in VR games to detect “speech sounds” in any playing audio and map it to a set of shape keys to control the mouth shape (good for automatic lip syncing to audio, and even more useful for the up and coming voice chat features apparently hinted at by roblox!)

  • Hopefully uncapped blend shape values so that they can be exaggerated past their limits

  • Fixes for the rendering of unions and meshes because in some cases they stop rendering too quickly, usually happens when they were attached to a model that has a primary part and move far away from it

  • Import automatically with Surface Appearance based on the textures required by the FBX files

  • Give Surface Appearance the ability to reference a specific material of the object so that objects with multiple materials will not have to be split into separate meshes or atlased into one material

  • Allow Vertex Color groups of the mesh to be manipulated so you could make for example cars that can have different colors

  • Give Bones a Scale property (which they are surprisingly missing!)

  • Add Auto IK for bones in the animation editor, much like Blender’s Auto IK system

  • Allow the user to select which animations to import when importing an FBX file with any

  • Allow the user to import animations from an FBX file that contains a mesh (i.e. when importing new character animations)

  • Improve the animation editor with curve / bezier manipulation for better tween and easing control, much like the custom animation editor toolkit used by the developers at Stylis Studios

  • Some sort of stable spring bone joint constraint to enable physically simulated “Jiggle Bones”

I hope these suggestions are helpful and can provide some insight into some of the missing but potentially groundbreaking features that can take development to the next level!