Skinned MeshParts are live!

Is there a max amount of bones allowed when importing? It seems that beyond a certain amount the import plugin infinitely loads.

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Is there going to be support for atleast 2048 x 2048 images soon? This texture for a planet im making is being ruined by the 1024 x 1024 upload limit.

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@RobieTheCat so I decided I was going to retry using Skinned meshes and Im not sure what all of the bones should be named I have to fix certain things because some of the bones are not connected but I was wondering if you could let me know what the bones should be named there are 15 of them and I’m using the r15 importer.

you can name the bones wharever you want, but if you still wanna use the roblox animations like the walk made by roblox and package animations, you still need to follow the part names from a r15 rig.

example, LowerTorso,UpperTorso,Head and so on.
make the starting bone be the lowertorso like the r15,
and make sure to center your character wth the 0,0,0 position.

when you import a rig to roblox, roblox generate a humanoidrootpart for you in the same spot as blender 0,0,0 position.

now if you want to make your own animations and your not gonna use any of roblox animations them you can just put warever name you want.

i’ve made an example rig/model so you can try out. ignore how ugly it is, i made it really fast just so you can use it for learn.
Basic Rig.blend (1,1,MB)


you don’t have the humanoid root part connected to the mesh


@RobieTheCat so how do i resize the humanoid root part to where i want it because it gets put at the bottom and its really small and i cant change it without breaking it so how do i do it.

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thank you for your help i also figured out that if the auto scaling in the humanoid is off it works normal but the humanoid rootpart is still being weird so you helped me with that

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I am not entirely sure if this is the bug caused by skinned mesh or my codes, however I am pretty sure it is caused by the skinned mesh feature.

Bug: Occasionally, when new skinned mesh are cloned in / destroyed, other skinned mesh stops playing animation for splits of second, before going back to the animation. Video to visually show as im not great at explaining:

Place file: MeshDeformationBugDemoPlace.rbxl (89.3 KB)

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There seems to be some sort of bug, sometimes the clothing thats skinned to go ontop of the character imports with the faces as front, but once it welds to a skinned character it suddenly flips backwards.

I can provide test case files in DMS

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you cant have a r6 skinned mesh none of those are skinned meshes there just normal r6s


Ah no they were just there to show that this bug is not caused by my scripts, but is rather caused by engine bug. If it was caused my stuff r6 rigs would also have flickered so :stuck_out_tongue:

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you are exporting 2 time the same model, in your workspace in the 3d software, delete the models that you dont want to export, or select the only models that you want to export and mark the option only selected.

this way your not gonna export 2 times the clothing that your trying to import.

That was just an example to demonstrate how the body gets flipped backward.

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This is an indication that your scene file has one or more additional transforms that are aligning the clothes in your modeling software, but which don’t get read on import. You can usually solve this by selecting everything you are going to export, and making sure that you have frozen all transforms on it.

In Blender, this is done by right clicking on your character’s parent (usually the Armature or an Empty), choosing “Select Hierarchy…”, then Ctrl-A to apply “All Transforms”. Every piece (armature, meshes, container Empties, etc.) should show Orientation 0,0,0, Location 0,0,0, and Scale 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 before you export to FBX.

Note: One Blender-specific thing to be aware of is that applying All Transforms to an Armature object does not correctly bake scale into any animation data that is associated with the armature, so if the character has animation, you may have to manually (painfully) scale all of the translation channels too.


@norperz The actual limit is in the billions, so the practical limit is set by the power of the hardware.

Also, there is a known issue with slowdown for long parent/child chains, especially when the button to show bones as constraints is on.


@Yuuwa0519 Thank you for pointing this out, and providing an example so we can get it fixed.


Does anyone else ever have issues with importing animations from other software? My mesh works fine inside Roblox but when I import the animation from the fbx file which I animated in blender, the rig shrinks and breaks the model’s form.


a bit late but i figured out the issue that I had with that, it was actually just because “Constraint Details” were turned on, when roblox studio tries to interact or show bones that are in a large hierarchy of bones it lags studio to death depending on the amount of bones. Heres a video demonstrating this:


Yeah we all do sadly. So far theres no scaling support, which kinda breaks all imported animations. Idk about the plans but some scaling support would be very helpfull, right now this renderes websites like mixamo unusable sadly.

anyways hi devs, hope you guys had a great break ahah.

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Hey i still don’t know how to make a Skinned Mesh play an animation inside a Roblox game (not in the Animation Editor) if anyone can help me i would appreciate that (sorry for my English, it’s not my main language.)

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