Skinned MeshParts are live!

geez, at least I’m not alone! Thanks for the response.


I apologize if this was explained earlier, I know it was mentioned earlier, but I may have just not seen the answer but I’m having the issue where my rig is floating due to the root part is below the rig

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so how do i resize the humanoid root part without it breaking off the mesh also my character cant really do anything the mesh just does this when the game is runrobloxapp-20210105-1814096.wmv (786.7 KB)

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what? why did you delete the post

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When I had converted your wmv file to mp4 it had corrupted so I deleted it.

Theres the converted one that hopefully isnt corrupted

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ok so i figured it all out but there is one problem can these characters hold tools or do you need to make a custom welding system?

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@lootlamabud, Take a look at:
Part in hand example


so this is a script that will allow the mesh to hold tools?

It depends on what you mean by “these characters” and “tools”. An R15 made from skinned mesh parts can use Tool instances just like any other R15. For custom characters, you won’t want to use actual Tools, you’ll want to use your own solution. If the character’s limbs are positioned by bones, the simplest solution is to make MeshPart tools that are rigidly skinned to the bone they are meant to track, e.g. the tool is made of MeshParts where all vertices have weight 1.0 to the RightHand bone, and connected to the character assembly with a Motor6D so that the tool is part of the skinned mesh assembly.

If your character is cut up into parts, e.g. the hands are separate mesh parts, you can just weld the tool to the hand part. It won’t follow deformations of the hand, but it will track the part CFrame just as it would a non-skinned part.

I recommend trying one of these before resorting to a solution that add scripting overhead and complexity, as these solutions tend to have replication-related complications and different code for NPCs vs player avatars.


so my character is an R15 made in blender and it works with animations the issue is it cant hold like lets say a sword if i make a sword as a “tool” it cant hold it

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Some update recently made using this really laggy. Loading and saving games can cause studio to have huge delays or sometimes crash. Keep in mind I have a pretty beefy pc. This really needs to be fixed and this is keeping devs from using this.


When are you gonna add a feature of clickable bones? You know, in animation editor, when you animate something, you just need to click on a body part then pose it. When it comes to skinned meshes, it uses bones.

I have been wondering why can’t I just click on the bones to pose them. Instead I have to animate it in blender manually and I’m not used to it. Resulting into a bad animation sometimes. I am just not used to animating rigs in blender. I’m used to roblox’s animation editor.

The fact that I’m new to blender and I rarely use it to build something and try something new like this, “Skinned Meshes”. I still can animate my custom rigged mesh that uses bones in roblox but I need to animate them manually inside blender and import the fbx animation file to roblox.

Will you ever add a clickable bone feature? Just click on the bose to pose them one by one instead of having to animate them in blender. Is it possible?

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And to add onto this, a way to disable the visibility of bones would be nice, they really get in the way sometimes when previewing animations and being able to hide them would be nice.

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Do this have anything to do with Skinned MeshParts? When copying the character (using ReplaceBodyPartsR15() which is supposed to work with Rthro) model into the workspace, really weird behaviour happens as seen in the video above where the character defaults to normal R15 rig and the meshes just spawn into the workspace.


Pressing the v key hides/unhides the Bones.


I agree it would be a very useful feature, and I’ve passed your request on to the relevant team.
I can’t give a timeline.


any plan for scalling bone for squash and stretch?
and any plan for shape keys for better deformation and facial expresions ?
if yes,them is it being worked at moment or there is any plan for releasing in an spected date?


Neither are being worked on at the moment - but that could change.

For facial expressions, expect to see some amazing faces:


that seen to be real time facial trought camera.
woud that work how woud something like that work in case i want to animate a character not using a camera?
example, this video here is a guy that made a facial rig
the rig use scaling bone and some bones for facial rig with some correction shape keys.
Demo RIG Blender 2.81 - YouTube