Skinned MeshParts are live!

look if dont have any blank keyframes in the animation, if it have them decrease the animation duration to match with the frames.
also woud be nice if you send a screenshot of the keyframes when making post like this.
so you let people know how is the animation.

My animator told me the duration is the same animation, here are the keyframes.

Hey, looking forward, and adding ontop of my previous feature request. How about a constraint specifically for joining skinned meshes? Basically it does nothing physics related, just acts like weld constraints, without welding!

Please do consider adding this, it would greatly improve the usability.

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"If MeshParts are connected with Motor6Ds, Welds, BallSocketConstraints, HingeConstraints or WeldConstraint, and they are under the same Model instance, then the mesh will join when the meshes share joint names."

Can anyone explain the Bold part for me please? Iā€™m trying to weld a meshpart with a skinned mesh, but when I try to animate the skinned mesh, the welded meshpart doesnt move with it.

if i am correct, this means that if the mesh is weight painted to a specific bone, it will be able to join together.

For ex, if mesh1 (Upper body of human) has (Hierarchy of the rig)

and mesh2(Armour? :P) has

those mesh will both deform based on the same bone as it shares the name.

here are -Chest and -Head attachments?? or Joints with no Part1? oh wait is it bones? If they are bone names, then can I somehow prevent the Mesh2(Armor) to not ā€œDeformā€ but just follow a bone?

I was using the word Deform as in following the bone according to weight paint. if you have a weight of 1, it will completely move along with that bone.

so I tried this


and when I opened Animation Editor, it said parts with the same names arenā€™t allowed.
turns out you canā€™t give bones same names.

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@RobieTheCat is this a bug or something? Everyone Iā€™ve spoken to tells me there are nothing wrong with the keyframes and they have no idea why our animation is pausing before restarting the loop. Weā€™re using cubic keyframes, not linear

@Synthalx Itā€™s worth trying baking the animation on export, this should resolve any keyframe issues.

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@RobieTheCat hey, what abbout that beta feature from mesh deformation, that you could deform mesh, that would be very good for making some water steps when you step in a water that is not deep, or even making tree leaves /grass deform with wind and when player pass by the bush.


This is a nice update, but please go back to the 50k tri upload limit for entire meshes rather than just lowering it to 21k.

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You are on the right track. All you need to do now is to have another part, which contains the ā€œBone 1ā€ (You can get rid of one of them. all u need is one of them). Then, weld those meshes to that main part, which will join the meshes

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No matter how hard I try I can not get the body to follow the hand.

How itā€™s supposed to look;

How it imports;

do yourr weapon have a bone?, if not make a bone for the weapon aswell.
[child of] from object to a bone is not exported, in fact any constraint that is applyed to a part is not imported to any engine.

you can add child of to the bone, constraints in bone are baked when exporting the animation.

wait so two meshes to the main mesh? Why? I just want to weld one mesh to another. not two to one. Also can you explain it a little more clearly, Iā€™m confused if youā€™re actually referring to ā€œPartsā€ or ā€œMeshPartsā€. Thanks

EDIT: Itā€™s fine. Thanks for the Help. Took me a while, but I put all the bones from one mesh into another, and it worked! Thanks for trying!!!

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Okay ty for that info, I havenā€™t been able to test it yet as I had to scrap the rig that was giving me issue and start over as I had screwed it royally

Is there a plan to add it so that you can bulk import animations? E.g. if you used the action editor and have multiple animations in it could we bulk import them and have them name accordingly?

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When will this be fixed? Iā€™m still encountering the same issue 4 months laterā€¦


Weā€™ve tried implementing skinned meshes for one of the animals in Untamed Planet. Our non-skinned animals are limb-split and consist of anywhere between 6 and 60 parts to get the animation granularity we need, so Iā€™d assume the performance gain from skinned meshes would have been significant here.

The model runs fine when it has first loaded in, but a big percentage of our users seem to actually crash when the mesh loads in. It has come to the point where weā€™re considering reverting the change, and I want to see if there are any other measures we can try first. I canā€™t understand if our implementation is just wrong or if this is an issue across all skinned meshes. I can provide the model file if needed.

Would love to know more about performance implications with this, and if there are any right or wrong ways to implement this in your games.

Additionally Iā€™m wondering if there will be any improved functionality for attaching things to bones? We allow accessories in our game and attach them based on Attachments, but since Attachments donā€™t really move with the skinned mesh weā€™re stuck for how to implement this in the best way possible. As the same accessories can be used across all characters, we cannot skin the accessory to every single rig as that would be a ton of versions of each accessory and not a scalable solution. We do not need the accessory to skin, but we need the accessory to appear where we expect it to appear on the body regardless of the pose. Any ideas here?