Skinned MeshParts are live!

So I’ve been playing with it for a while. I use Blender. My character model falls apart every time. I opened the example model that I downloaded from the original post. I cannot seem to figure out why it’s doing this. I made the bone hierarchy and used the armature modifier for each part. I assigned vertex groups to each piece and assigned vertices to the touching sections. I can’t figure out how to stop it from falling apart. Anyone have any advice?

that is not an isue, if you want an object be attatch to the model you need to make it attach to the bone instead welding or making object follow the mesh.

but you might need to do dat in every frame if i’m not whrong…
if anyone have another way of making it i woud also like to know.

Yes, that is what I was thinking. However, when in game and the character is is playing an animation the bones are in the same position as the mesh was without the animation which results in it looking deformed and in the wrong place if you do attach the tool to the specific bone.

In what way can one “author” the jacket to be affected by the torso’s bones and how would one properly connect them?

@Avallachi, You would “skin” or “weight” the vertices to the torso joints in a 3D modeling software such as Blender, Maya or Max. Then once the MeshPart is in Studio you would create a Weld or Motor6D to join the jacket to the torso.


@LightKnights, By rigs do you mean skeleton hierarchies and mesh, or workspace instances?
Are you wanting to do the vertex weighting in Studio?


Like for the instance the R15, if I export the rig as a .obj and import it into blender the mesh is broken beyond all belief where as say the LeftUpperArm if you where to try and press “L” on just that part in edit mode it wouldn’t select the whole thing, as well the entire mesh is not connected properly and has a lot of overlapping vertices making it almost impossible to rig and or do anything with it essentially.
Apologies for not making my original post clearer

that is because in any game engine the model need to be in triangles for easy calculating the surfaces of the model, quads is a thing that is in 3d modelling program but is not in game engines. so when you import some thing to roblox or insert any part it is all made of triangles.

quads looks better in 3d software but game engines dont use quads yet cause people computers and consoles would not handle the ammount of calculations that the machine woud need to do to display the quads surface, triangles is just 3 points.

and .obj dont allow bones and since there is no bones in .obj them there is no weight paint aswell.

what you can do is remove double them add back the edge lines to split the object again.
remove double will remove any vertex that is overlaping with another vertex and merge them,
you will be able to use L but it probably will select the whole object.

We are aware of this issue, and it mostly has to do with the animation editor using the old transform dragger handles. We plan on updating the editor to use the new ones in the near future, and that should also resolve this issue.


jonathan i run into a problem here, i’ve made rigs in the blender all work fine and exporter less one, an Alien in Ship is not working how it supose, and all the rigs are made in same way.

the ship get animated but the alien inside dont.
the ship is chield of root bone and also the alien.

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Sorry I’m a complete scrub at this but I’m trying to use Mixamo animations with my rig and im getting an issue where the rig in the studio isnt rotating at all like in the animation preview in Mixamo. Any ideas?


it seens that the lower legs are not animated but they are in a static pose, so the lower torso animation is influencing the legs.

but you can try disabling automatic scaling in the humanoid, maybe that help you a bit.
humanoid automatic scaling is a pain for animators.

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I have the same problem, you can just animate it in blender and import the animation as FBX.

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Hello :slight_smile:

I’m super-duper happy to see this feature live!
I’ve been messing with it, but a question arose:
Is it possible to import a rig and allow separate MeshParts like armour to use the same rig?

To elaborate on that, I’d like to get this character in-game:

But I want the armour to be customizable and therefore should not be part of the character mesh, correct? Same counts for the weaponry…
Some armour pieces are rigid (e.g the shoulder-pads) and some are skinned too (e.g the leather torso). I figured that rigid and skinned meshes together don’t work too well, unless I did something wrong.

Could anybody help me out with this?


To show an example of using RunService.Stepped() to have Parts track Bones:

local handBone = nil
for _, descendant in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
	if descendant.Name == "Hand" then
		handBone = descendant

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local handToPartCenter = CFrame.Angles(0, 0, math.rad(180)) +, 0, 0) 
RunService.Stepped:Connect(function(time, step)
	local partCFrame = handBone.TransformedWorldCFrame * handToPartCenter
	character.part.Motor6D.Transform = character.CFrame:Inverse() * partCFrame 

Yes - if you rig the armor to the same joints as the body, and connect the armor Parts with Welds then the armor will deform with the body.


Sadly this didnt help at all and the model I am animating currently doesnt have a humanoid.

it seems with multiple animations the hips refuse to move and I have no idea why

@RobieTheCat so how would i go about making this actually work as a character? i have made the character its rigged in blender but when i name it StarterChracter and test the movements broken it can barely move it cant jump and im wondering is there something i have too do to make it work and can these hold tools and do everything the roblox avatar can?

Assuming you don’t simply have a part Anchored that shouldn’t be, the next most common cause would be that the source animation does not have the hip motion stored on the correct bone or node. For example, if you upload a character to Mixamo that is already rigged, rather than using one of their characters, your downloaded animation FBX files will have the hip movement on a root-level locator (which becomes the “Armature” in Blender), rather than on the Root bone. If not fixed up at some point in the workflow pipeline, prior to bringing the animation into Studio, it’s possible for this hip translation to be lost, resulting in a character that appears just as if their LowerTorso part is anchored in place, even when it is not. It’s because the LowerTorso Root motor transforms are all identity.

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anyone? know how cause im not sure