Skinned Rig bone orientation problem

Hi there, I’m currently creating a rig for a VM and have a problem with the bones being inverted on the X-Axis when I import the rig as “R15” under custom character.

I have tried changing the roll of the bones, if I change the roll of the bones then the Y-Axis breaks and vice versa.

A “Fix” for this would be rotating the downwards facing bones upwards, however that is not a viable solution for any sort of animation workflow as Inverse Kinematics in blender cannot function with bones facing in the wrong direction.

Importing the rig as “custom” under the avatar importer would also fix this, but then the rig would be entirely bones and not motor6d’s as with the R15 option which is also not viable as I currently need motor6d’s due to bones being poorly supported and the collision/hitbox of meshes not following/updating with the bones like normal meshes and parts would with motor6’ds.

Here are 2 screenshots, keep in mind this is the exact same animation and pose but reversed in Roblox when imported. (the pose is simply a test pose to test if the axis are rotating the correct way, spoilers they arent)
Roblox Position

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Did you find a fix for this? Currently faceing the same problem…

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