What do you want to achieve?
I want to make a foot-plant system on a skinned mesh using the new IKControl instance.
Image from Roblox's demo of IKControl
What is the issue?
I just can’t figure out where to start. I’m really bad at math.
I have a ray-cast setup to find the ground and all that but I don’t know how to make it look like the character is “walking”. -
What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve searched for a few days looking for people doing the similar thing but no one has except one person (and their post is unsolved).
I’ve tried using code from other IK foot-plant scripts to achieve “walking” but I don’t understand any of the math and im not sure it will work.
Here is my code currently. It just find the ground and sticks the legs to the ground. Nothing complicated.
local character = script.Parent
local body = character.PrimaryPart
local moveDirection = Vector3.new()
local rlStart = body.RightLegStart
local llStart = body.LeftLegStart
local rlGround = body.RightLegGround
local llGround = body.LeftLegGround
local rlOffset = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local llOffset = Vector3.new(0,0,0)
local castParams = RaycastParams.new()
castParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {character}
castParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
castParams.IgnoreWater = true
local function moveLegs(dt) -- This doesn't work
local dt10 = math.min(dt*10, 1)
local rootVel = body.AssemblyLinearVelocity * Vector3.new(1,0,1)
local rootVelMagnitude = rootVel.Magnitude
local relativizeToHumanoidSpeed = rootVelMagnitude/16
local stepCycle = math.sin(tick()*10) * 10
if rootVelMagnitude > 0.1 then
moveDirection = moveDirection:Lerp(rootVel.Unit, dt10)
rlOffset = Vector3.new(0,-stepCycle,stepCycle)
local rlCast = workspace:Raycast(rlStart.WorldPosition, Vector3.new(0,-3,0)-rlOffset, castParams)
local llCast = workspace:Raycast(llStart.WorldPosition, Vector3.new(0,-3,0)-llOffset, castParams)
if rlCast then
rlGround.WorldPosition = rlCast.Position
if llCast then
llGround.WorldPosition = llCast.Position
--moveLegs(dt) doesnt work
Any help is appreciated.