Sky object not affecting ViewportFrames

I’ve been trying to get the Sky object to work in ViewportFrames but inserting one to a ViewportFrame doesn’t seem to change anything anymore.

Here’s a video example where both ViewportFrames have a fully reflective ball part and a mesh with fully white MetalnessMap. The right ViewportFrame has a Sky but it doesn’t seem to look any different compared to the left ViewportFrame:

The Sky object doesn’t seem to work in an older place file anymore either:

How the ViewportFrame used to look

Recorded around a month and a half ago at tenth of May. I remember not having issues with this up to eighth of June however:

What it looks like now

Not only do the sky reflections not work but also the EnvironmentSpecularScale and EnvironmentDiffuseScale aren’t correct:

The sky reflections and light changes don’t seem to work for me in game anymore either.
Here is the place in the video examples (video is taken of the Reflection example): ViewportFrame masking - Roblox

I’m not sure if I’m the only one with this problem as I haven’t seen any other topics on this. I haven’t yet tried reinstalling Studio if that’s the cause of this, although it’s weird how this problem occurs in game as well.


I’ve been having the same issue this could be a bug.:frowning:

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Maybe some recent update broke something in ViewportFrames :thinking:
I probably should report this as a bug but I’m not really sure how to do that.

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I could try reporting this bug. Where did you used to put the Sky object? I’m assuming it was directly in the ViewportFrame, and not in any WorldModel or anything.

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Thank you for helping out, yea I added it under the ViewportFrame. The problem still seems to occur.