Skybox Inserter plugin released

I just released this plugin which is basically just a library of skyboxes that are only HD and not duplicates of another skybox in the library. This should save you a lot of time from having to filter through garbage skyboxes and the many, many duplicates in free models by hand. I’m still adding to the library (HD skyboxes on ROBLOX aren’t as numerous as I would have hoped though), so it will grow in size over time.

The plugin allows you to search by name and preset tags(separate words by commas with no spaces in the search bar) for the skybox (which you can also turn into exclude tags by placing a “-” before the tag), as well as by color and/or whether it’s in space or not.

Here’s a demo of an older version:

Thanks to some feedback from Aurarus, the current version of the plugin also allows you to filter by time of day and also by whether the skybox is plain or not (i.e. no terrain pictured in the bottom of the skybox)


Oh nice that will help me a lot thx :slight_smile:


I’ll be downloading this the second I get home. Thanks for compiling these skies.

Ive been practicing making my own skyboxes and when I get just a tad better, I’ll share them.


This is really helpful!

Thanks for making this plugin :smiley:

Perfect, thank you for the useful plugin!

[strike]Will you be updating the list as more HD skyboxes are released?[/strike] Already answered above

This is a really nice plugin. Better than I expected and pretty polished too.

I find scrolling crazy fast. I end up getting to the end of the list instantly. Is it possible for you to slow the scroll speed down?


Yeah, I should probably use a custom scrolling frame. ROBLOX’s scrolling frames (what it uses) aren’t the best and they end up producing that jagged scrolling. I’ll add it in when I get the chance.

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Nice! I see my nebula sky boxes In there as well. <3

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I don’t see a scroll bar for the list. I don’t have a mouse wheel, so it makes it hard to see any options past the first visible 6.

There is no scrollbar – the only way to scroll down the list is with a mouse wheel. Why in the hell would you even be using studio on a laptop without the aid of a mouse? I guess when I make my own custom scrollbar with smooth scrolling I can make it to where you can click and drag the whole window to scroll though.

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Not everyone has a mouse with a wheel echo, you need to be considerate of others. :stuck_out_tongue:


I am absolutely not going to bother supporting people who have pre-scrollbar mouses from the 90s. As I said though, when I make the custom scrolling frame so that it scrolls smoothly and correctly I will also make the whole frame drag-scrollable, but that’s for people with laptops (even though they really should be using a mouse with their laptop) – not people who haven’t bothered to upgrade their mouse for the past 20 years.


I do have a modern mouse. The mouse wheel is broken though, so I am unable to scroll. Also can’t afford to spend off money for a new, good one since I have bills to pay. Oops, my bad :?

Bills to pay… so you can’t afford this? Cheap mouse

If you’d like, you can add this skybox I imported from EVE Online:

Also, you can preview it here: The Star Garden - Roblox

Great plugin!

Nope, I work a tight budget :DDD
Plus I don’t use wired mouses and nothing less than 4 buttons.

List of skyboxes I uploaded

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I’m only looking for HD skyboxes :frowning:

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It’d be nicer if you had more a Standard Definition sort, but I think some of these are “HD”

I already included this one in the initial release, but all of the others are grainy. When I say HD I mean smooth, and no grain/noise.

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