SkyKurr | Programmer/Music Composer ~~ [CLOSED]

About Me

Hello Roblox Devforum! My name is SkyKurr, I am an Experienced Programmer and Music Composer here on roblox! My Journey Began 3 years ago with My programming and about 4 years ago with my Music Compositions! Over the years I have worked with so many great teams of developers to make games I would have never dreamed of helping with. Currently I am in need of a Part Time job for as reasons you may know.
I am currently in high school. I also am I part time drummer in real life, even at my age. As for that may mean I am busy but doesn’t mean I am still on a lot. Even though my schedule is kind of random I am usually available for times that work for most people depending on the circumstances.
As a developer I also have great Communication skills and am also a great person to put in your community as a lot of people will say. Before I decided to learn lua and become a developer here on roblox I used to play games and be big in groups. As for that is where I got all my good skills from. In communities I would be fine with hosting streaming events to show the community that we are getting stuff done as developers and not just sitting around. Before I learned to become a developer I didn’t know what they did I thought they were useless. But now I understand they are an essential part to the community and it is hard to go without them. As for with no developers there is nothing a group can work with on roblox. We are the background for whatever comes next. As for without developers there would be no roblox.


My programming comes from many different experiences and many places. As for I have helped developed a lot on roblox. My experience comes from many different games as for one being Backflip Simulator. I have also worked in programming for many commissions over the years to people who just needed a couple of things done. I also have worked for the new group Kingdoms Online, the past owners of Limitless RPG and Core Productions. Programming is one of my main things I do and I am able to do most of what is asked of me. For I have been doing it for over 2 years and have learned a lot.
My work may be discussed in DMs as for some of it cannot be shown in public. Best way to discuss it is in DMs.
I have worked for these groups/games in the past:

Welcome to the Composing section, I know a lot of reading. I have been composing in real life and on roblox for about 4 years. I am very experienced and worked for many groups. My composing can get done in just a day or two since I have experience and most songs don’t take a long time. I do sound effects and composition of music so it is very nice.
Here are some examples of my work.:

My experience in Composing comes from many different development groups and games:

The best way to contact me is on my discord, SkyKurr#9748 || You may also contact me here on devforum, but in order for me to work for you we need some kind of communication platform instead of devforum. I am in Eastern Standard Time.

Payment varies depending on what job you are asking me to do, but I basically go off of DevEx Rates.

Thanks for reading! :wink:

(Note): All previous work of mine may be found once you have friended me. Thanks!


i need a advanced pet system - discord - themirorbeside#3772

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