Hello! I made this skyscraper! Only used a circle as a free model! I’d like feedback on it , thank you! God bless you!

Hello! I made this skyscraper! Only used a circle as a free model! I’d like feedback on it , thank you! God bless you!
Wow! This is so realistic! Great job. God bless you too
Did you use decals for the windows, or are they physical?
Talented skyscraper, especially how tall and creative it is!
Didnt you accidentaly made the Maze bank tower ? though the only difference is the white decorative spire(how do i call it?)
Yoooo, This looks sick! Almost similar to the maze bank tower in GTA V!
Good work!
Woahhh!. This is super cool!, how long did it take you?
They are phisycal windows, not decals.
To be honest, I randomly clicked this post and saw the image of the skyscraper and my first thought was, “Why are there images of a real skyscraper?”
Keep up the great work!
Thank you! God bless you!!!
Thank you! But It isn’t the one from gta!
Maybe make something like an antenna on top?
oh yeah with like red lights on it… that would be good!