SKYtech rotorKit is a helicopter system with realistic flight physics, customizable and it’s simple to use. You can customize the kit however you like, just like adding game mods. It is free for all.
Update January 4th 2025
rotorKit has been completely reworked. It features improved flight physics, gui, and more optimized scripts. If you’re using the old version, it won’t be affected. You must reinstall the kit to get an updated version.
Hey, this looks really interesting. Would there be a way to be able to get this to fly on server-sided scripts? I want to use this for a personal AI project of mine.
Why isnt the base code preinstalled into the helicopters, or supplied from the start, if a user wants to mod it from the base, they have to require, then install all of the scripts themselves.
The kit works for both client-side and server-side. When there is no pilot, the helicopter can fly by itself. You can make your AI script to steer and change the altitude of the aircraft.
The kit uses a module to load core scripts. It is to make the kit able to update globally so you don’t need to keep replacing the kit when there’s an update. However you might need to reinstall your mod scripts though. So there is no point editing the core scripts unless you want to make your own version which is doable by reuploading the loader module to your inventory and replace the loader id with yours.
Yes, you can sell your helicopter with my kit installed. However, you can not sell the kit itself. By that means selling a kit without the helicopter model or modifications, just straight up selling a free asset. Crediting me would be much appreciated.
Hey AIM, do you offer minor conversion support? seem to be having some physics issues which I can’t seem to figure out when comparing both my own helicopter to your template one.