[ Slaughterhell ] In-game Guidelines

[ Slaughterhell ]

Severity One | Muteable Offences

  • Chat Spam : 15 Minute Mute : Spamming anything in the in game chat.

  • Chat Bypass : 30 Minute Mute : Bypassing Roblox chat filters to say otherwise filtered/not allowed words or phrases.

Severity Two | Kickable offences

  • Vulgar Chat Spam : Kick : Spamming the chat with vulgar words or phrases.

  • Standard Glitching : Kick : Standard abuse of glitches.

  • Harassing Staff : Kick : Harassing staff in chat or spreading private information about a staff member, if there is a continuance over a period of time you may receive further punishment.

  • Votekick Abuse : Server Kick : Abusing votekick system to get players removed who have done nothing wrong, only the person who started the votekick will be Server Kicked

  • Racial Comments/Slurs : Server Kick : Use of racial comments or slurs directed at other players.

Severity Three | Bannable offences

  • Mass Teaming : 1 Day Ban : Having a group of 4 or more players teaming thus making the game unfair, max group size is 3 players.

  • Farming: 3 Day Ban : Using another account or person to farm levels, kills and cash.

  • Advertising : 3 Day Ban : Using in game chat to advertise your own groups, games, discord servers, products, youtube, etc.

  • Glitching for self benefit : 5 Day Ban : Abusing glitches in the game that may award you extra levels, kills or cash.

  • Exploiting : Permanent Ban : Use of injected scripts in any shape or form, even minor usage will result in a permanent ban without appeal.

General Reminders

  • Multiple offences of certain rules may result in a Permanent Ban.
  • To appeal a ban visit the our Discord server linked below the game and open a ticket to make an appeal.
  • Moderators are permitted to punish you for a reason that may not be on this list, if you believe you are unworthy of a punishment you have been given then open a ticket via our Discord server linked below the game.
  • Bans 3 days or under cannot be appealed.
  • Rules are subject to change, please read this forum periodically to stay up to date.