Slidar: Not the best, not the lightest, but just a simple slider module

so this module is a little bit old, and I thought it doesnt compare to what the new beta feature roblox gave us, uidragdetector

but every time I searched for a module better than mine they were harder to use even if they were better.

This module supports initial values, minimum value, maximum value, incremental value/steps, X/Y axis movement, indicators and tweens, its also really easy to use and you can even figure it out easily even if you dont script

How to set it up

to creare a slider just use:

local MySlider = SliderModule:NewSlider(InitialPosition,Minimum,Maximum,Increment,Axis(string letter or Enum.Axis),SliderBase)

the SliderBase frame should contain any Guibutton called Slider
the SliderBase frame should contain a frame called Indicator if you want to represent the size of the value(totally optional)

to stop a slider just use:



SliderStarted – holding sliderbutton
SliderReleased – releasing sliderbutton
SliderChanged – will give you the new slider value and his current X/Y scale position when its updated



Slidar.rbxm (4.9 KB)

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