SliderService - Create easy and functional Sliders!

I’m having this issue aswell right now.

it just spams this whenever the sliders move

currently having the same issue

In the workspace properties you must set the signal behavior to immediate


That actually fixed it! Thanks :pray:

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ReplicatedStorage.Modules.SliderService.Utils.Signal:51: invalid argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil) - Studio

I investigated this more and found this post:

A good way to fix this is to change Signal Behavior property in workspace to Inmediate but I changed the Signal module to another one so it stills works:
Slider.rbxm (7.6 KB)
I just found this 30 minutes ago so expect some stuff to dont work properly(like error messages) but the basics work fine.
anyways Im creating a plugin with easier implementation of sliders,patterns, icons pack, easier way to implement and change strokes,corners,color,make color combinations,pattern pack,loading bar pack,button hover animation, text animation effects pack(flash,typing machine,sliding changing text,etc),effects like shadow, glow and more.Hope I helped :slight_smile:

For my needs I have been updating this and I added “HeldStarted” where you can know when the player starts to touch the slider button:


Slider.rbxm (7.6 KB)


Thanks for that! I was on holiday so I lost my wifi but I’m glad someone’s solved this.
I forgot names but thanks to everyone who’s found the issue!

I’ll send a fix now!


Hey, just checking up but is this fixed? I am using deferred signal behavior for performance reasons and I want to know if there’s an updated version that I can swap to so I can continue to use this module.

I made one solving the signal issue

Oh, sweet! Could I have a link?

Hi, thanks for deferred signals enabled fix. It works great up except when I try to destroy the slider I created using method Slider:Destroy(). Is there any other way to destroy the slider? I tried setting my slider variable to nil, but it still exist.

I’m having an issue whenever I connect the changed event.

well I never tried Slider:Destroy() but I dont think there are easy ways to delete it but ima check out later when I have time

I solve this issue in my first reply

Hello, I’m having an issue using this for some reason when I hooked it up to a frame it never adds the array it suppose to inside of the changed any reasons why?

You should add a property to make AllowBackgroundClick fire the :Released() connection, I added this myself but it would be cool if you added it for people that would use this.

I love this! Can you add a option to add a frame that will follow behind the Slider GuiButton?

I am talking about the blue line in the video below.

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you can easily do that with uigradients

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Not sure why I have this problem but whenever I create the slider and then open the game the slider seems to be invisible and only appears when I either click on the background or when I physically in studio go to playergui and click on the slider, and then it just randomly pops up again.

	-- Music volume
	local MusicVolumeSetting = ScrollingFrame:WaitForChild("MusicVolume")
	local FOVSlider ="Holder"), {
		SliderData = {Start = 0, End = 100, Increment = 1},
		MoveInfo =, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad),
	FOVSlider.Changed:Connect(function(newValue: number)
		_G.ActiveMusic.Volume = newValue / 100
		MusicVolumeSetting:WaitForChild("Holder"):WaitForChild("Slider").Text = newValue
	MusicVolumeSetting:WaitForChild("Holder"):WaitForChild("Slider").Visible = true

Amazing module! Thank you very much.