Sliding Camera System

I am working on a Camera System that can track a player’s movement while moving between two control points. What would be the best way to accurately track multiple positions?

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Forgot to mention, the purple brick is an example of the camera’s perspective

p0 = greenPart.Position
p1 = redPart.Position
k = 0.5
p = p0:Lerp(p1, k)

If p0 and p1 are the start and end positions, and k is a value between 0 and 1, then p will be a position between p0 and p1. For example, k = 0.5 gives a position precisely between the two. Here’s the documentation for Vector3:Lerp(Vector3, number)

To point the camera toward the player:

cam.CFrame =, characterPosition)

Sets the cam at position p, looking toward characterPosition.

Documentation for, lookAt)

The code worked out well. Tysm!

this should be help, and not feedback

I must have clicked the wrong category on accident. Whoops!

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