Slowing down the linear velocity of a part?

I’m trying to achieve something as if a part/object is slowed down server side. As a part being propelled can be slowed down.

I have tried using gravity, but it does not get the results i hoped for.

Slowing down the linear velocity(such as speed sps)

If the part has velocity, you can multiply it’s AssemblyLinearVelocity by a number less that one.

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Therefor slowing its linear velocity on the X axis?

So you’re trying to slow the part down in all directions right?

So that it only affects the x-axis

part.AssemblyLinearVelocity.X *= 0.98

Yes, however gravity does not function as i want it to.

I have an extremely solution for you.
Just add a linear velocity to the part, make sure that it is relative to world,
the type is vector, and set the velocity to 0,0,0, and play around with the max force.
This is it with 1000 max force.
I hope this is what you’re talking about, it slows down the part in all directions.