Small avatars in shooter games

Hey everyone! I’m wondering how to fix players using small avatars in my shooter game.

Players are able to use a combination of Rthro bundles to make their avatar smaller than the average user which makes them harder to aim at.

I manually set avatar scale to be forced at 100% using the Avatar category in the Game Settings in Studio. This did not work.

What can I do to fix this? It’s an R15 game and I don’t want to switch it to R6 just to fix this issue.

maybe you can weld a hitbox part to the players root part and make that bullet have a set size and if a bullet hits that hitbox part itll damage the player

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I could, but I’m looking for another solution since a smaller player is still harder to see and can hide behind objects because even if the hitbox is the correct size, it would be invisible.

maybe make your own startercharacters instead of having them use their avatar, that way they will all be the same height