Small gaps in terrain

The Issue

I want to clear out this terrain underground, so I can allow people to go down the stairs.

When I clear it out, I’m faced with these small gaps appearing.

How can I fix this?

There is a terrain tool to delete terrain. You can use erode or something. I meant to make the tool smaller.

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When I use those tools, the terrain forms small holes around the building.

Try making the terrain tool smaller.

The size and the strength are at its smallest values.

Uh… what about making a part around the bottom of the house, so you can’t see it? Like around the perimeter.

You want me to add a part around this area?

Yes. It might work for your problem.

It works well. Thanks for the help!

Just paint it to be ground, it fits in and fixes it, and it won’t make holes in the first place.

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That’s not the issue. That won’t fix the hole.

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Huh, I guess I do not know then.

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