Small House Build

Hello there! I have decided to share you all with my own creation shown as a small house with low-poly style. With a small house I finished, I felt really proud of making the building with the final results, and it was really fun to make the progress about the building details. It’ll be a pleasure to have any appreciated feedback or suggestions here.

Thank you! :happy3: :heart:


I love the old low poly feel of it! The leaves in the second image front though seem to be floating. Maybe it’s the angle (of the image).


This is so cool. I love how you make the vines. Got nothing to complain about. :clap:

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Thank you! I haven’t learned about making a mesh - I used the original vines made as a mesh. But I’m glad to see you appreciated with my creation! :+1:

Its great, very detailed, i like it.

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I like it. Got nothing much to complain. Well done. :+1:

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Love it, you’ve done a great job.

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I like the build - particularly your use of icospheres to create an ivy effect, but maybe extend the roof further out over the front of the house and try a smaller door with a little more detail.

And this should probably be in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations

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I love your creation, well done! It’s so cute.

I would suggest adding a splash of colour by adding some bright-coloured tiles on the roof like this:

Or this:


Good luck!

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Hey Phex! I love the design of it! Maybe add some more leaves and ivy near the door? I think that would make it look great!

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It’s wayyyy too small, otherwise it’s alright. Could use more windows and room etc

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Will do. Thanks for suggesting your own ideas! :+1:

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I’ll try fixing the problems right away. Thanks! :white_check_mark:

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I also thought of adding more windows too, but I’ll add them right away. Thanks for the advice! :+1:

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Sure thing! I’ll try my best and see if the idea fits. Thank you! :happy1:

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